
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, for the first time in years, I worked up the nerve to ask a work friend if they wanted to hang out sometime. They winced, and said they were busy that day. I hadn't specified a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 795
You deserved it 478

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

Don’t worry, I’m sure your face will get better!

Were they male or female? Perhaps they had the wrong impression and thought you were asking them on a date?


WeirdUS 29

I try to keep my professional and personal lives separate. Also gossip does tend to fly no matter where you work. I worked at a hospital and didn't go out for drinks with the guys because of the gossip. I bumped into 2 managers at a burger place/ bar that I used to go to and one of them sent me a free beer. By Monday it was going around that I had drinks with the managers but wouldn't drink with boys. This is why I don't hang out with work people off the clock.

azouwa 26

I do that. Nothing personal. I work 7 days a week and the miniscule of "freedom" I give myself is spent cleaning house. They may be really busy.... or they may believe you wanted a date.

Were you low key asking them on a date, or did you just want a new friend? If the former, don’t ever dip your pen in the company pussy. Or fish for Dick off the company pier. If the latter, **** ‘em. You probably don’t want to be friends with them anyway.