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Party boy

By Daemon - 27/10/2008 04:57 - France

Today, after a party, I brought a girl to the flat I share with my two best friends. While we are doing it, she asked me, "You're not afraid your friends will hear us?" The only answer that spontaneously came out of my mouth was, "Don't worry, they're used to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 536
You deserved it 89 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chaith 16

Considering this was during a one night stand, I'd say what you said wasn't far off.

lmfao thats what you get for being a man ***** :)


judeneon 0

Hey tour just being honest

Chaith 16

Considering this was during a one night stand, I'd say what you said wasn't far off.

Pretty much like Barney from "How I Met Your Mother"

xMooMoox 0

You should at least pretend you don't do it often!

Funny indeed!!! There are lots of reasons why this was the proper answer. But why is that a FML anyway?

#6: #5 explains exactly how it is an FML. haha I was about to say, for how smooth you seem, you can certainly kill a night with a girl. haha

You have a fork in the road on this situation. If the girl continues and doesn't get bothered by you like what you're getting into or should you be afraid this girl's been around the block or And if she stayed and you're cool with her freaky-ness...which I don't think I'll mind....she's def a keeper for future weekends.

loludeserveit 0

forks have two possible outcomes....

Sebastian69 0
zumiskater 0

nice one dude reeeeeal nice