Pull up

By ohdeargodthatswrong - 09/01/2010 13:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend when my dad pulled up to pick me up from his house. My dad beeped his horn and my boyfriend opened his bedroom curtain, knocked on the window, and waved. While he was still inside of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 483
You deserved it 6 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cowless 0

Or she/her family can't afford to buy her a car. Or her boyfriend picked her up so she didn't have her car. Or they walked there after school. Or it was just more fuel efficient for her dad/mom to drop her off on their way to someplace else and then have the dad pick her up on his way home/to run errands. Plenty more reasons for her to be picked up by her dad that do not suggest she's less than sixteen.


suckmysarcasm 10

i wouldve did the same. your bf is my hero!

Either he's an idiot or has some huge ass balls. what did you dad do or say I need to know this.

seppukufalls 0

That....is......awesome. I assume this is how legends are born

that is so ******* funny omg...i cant stop loling hahahaha

lol so muuch hahaha did your dad see ya anyway?

suckmysarcasm 10
meaganbean 0

definitely something my ex would have done, ha.

SilenceIsSilver 0

I don't think that's bad 0.o It's kinda cute.. Doesn't that mean he likes your dad?