By Fredgruff - 09/01/2010 13:48 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 22:29 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/11/2010 22:07 - Israel
By justgivemethed - 25/04/2013 07:55 - United States - Westminster
By some band player - 10/03/2014 02:09 - United States - Highland Park
By shit Music - 30/06/2016 07:32 - Slovenia - Ljubljana
By DIY560 - 24/02/2014 03:59 - United States - Ambler
By cazzb - 16/09/2014 04:17 - United States - Woodbridge
By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States
By bieberyoulittleSHIT - 31/08/2012 19:20 - United Kingdom - Goole
By WTF? - 20/04/2012 00:12 - United States
Top comments
Obviously you do because you replied to him?
They're sometimes referred to as consecutive 5ths.
Uhmm my school...percussion as a section has the best sheet music readers because we can count anything while dumb other sections can't go "one two and uh three ee and" retards. It's all about that "timing studies". And also!! A cadence is a short drum diddy they usually have stupid named like: Hillary, jungle love, crazy bucks, funk trio, wheelchair, Afro man, bass cadence, street beat, boogie bounce, Mexican hats...etc. And drummers at my school don't go tick or ticky bong. We have actual sayings that make a measure. Like a triplet is "1 la li" a sixtuplit "big ih duh big ih duh" but I guess ticky-bong would be liiiike 1e+... Counting is soooo easyyyy
80- Would you mind correcting your spelling and grammar? And also, hitting things is not that greatly difficult. You don't even have to read notes, so I wouldn't be making fun of other people for not being able to play something that may not be easy for them. I am a trumpet player in a high school band which has placed in the top three in state competitions, so I have a right to correct you.
lmao i love how people always feel the need to reply to first posters... i must admit its anoying but seriously who cares? your just trollin' a troll wich makes you look like an ass to....
I know what cadence, resolution and consecutive fifths are, but what the hell is a ticky bong?
103 - It's funny you say that because I am a percussionist in a top scoring band and I completely disagree with you. If you truly are in band, you're probably aware of how much practice the percussion section has? At least double the rest of the band. We don't practice all the time just to "hit stuff". Our music is just as complicated as the winds in different ways. So please. Remove your head out of your ass.
damn.. that was for 101. it's hard to see on my ipod
ur a gay homopho
me neither
lol it took me awhile and I'm in chior. but I hear the word Cadence (and also being in JROTC) thought oh marching maybe he ment MARCHING band, but then I just realised that he was talking about the note. The band members when explaining a piece of music to each other without him used more muscially correct terms, yet when they explained it to him, thinking he was incapable of understanding such musically correct terms just "dumbed it down" a bit. So I think the "bong" "tick" "ticky bong" and "bongy tick" where supposed to be the other band students explaining the sound his instrument was ment to make. And just my guess (after having 3 brothers in band) it sounds like you're a drummer.
Music theory, y'idjet…
Wait, what?
he's a drummer.
when i read this i thought it said sticky dongs.
Sounds like you're a drummer. To be honest, it's probably because your bandmates don't know percussive technical terms. And even if they did, onomatopoeia is still the best way to describe what you mean when it comes to drums. FYL if you're not a drummer.
**** you
You really are an asshole #9. You don't know jack shit, you ignorant ****. Band got me a $15,000 scholarship.
I was thinking drummer too.
You're the drummer aren't you?

Sounds like you're a drummer. To be honest, it's probably because your bandmates don't know percussive technical terms. And even if they did, onomatopoeia is still the best way to describe what you mean when it comes to drums. FYL if you're not a drummer.
when i read this i thought it said sticky dongs.