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Rash decision

By Anonymous - 22/05/2023 18:00

Today, my girlfriend won't stop complaining about the recent lack of intimacy in our relationship. There's an easy solution to this problem, but I'm currently covered in poison ivy rashes and she refuses to let me touch her until they clear up. Guess I'd better get used to itching and whining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 836
You deserved it 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did you do to get covered with poison ivy? If your girlfriend finds out, that'll add a few months to your sentence.

whatshername?! 39

So she wants to get touched without getting touched? You could use your tongue, or is also touching?


What did you do to get covered with poison ivy? If your girlfriend finds out, that'll add a few months to your sentence.

whatshername?! 39

So she wants to get touched without getting touched? You could use your tongue, or is also touching?

cook off plain oatmeal, strain, soak paper towels in the juice and lay it over the ivy rashes. will clear it right up

One can only wonder if she had anything to do with the poison ivy as well...