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Rollercoaster ride of emotions

By He's ok, nobody died, all is good - 20/05/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I went to my dad's workplace because my sister was there and I wanted to see my newborn niece. I was overjoyed until my dad came up to me. It had apparently been pretty hectic for the past week, because he was on the verge of another stress-induced heart attack. Yes, another. We had to help him outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 416
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank goodness Dad is OK, I gather! … I would not recommend socializing or baby sitting at a place of work or business. That gets in the way of work or business and can cause greater stress.

Wadlaen 23

Maybe dad needs to downscale his workload, for his own health's sake?


Thank goodness Dad is OK, I gather! … I would not recommend socializing or baby sitting at a place of work or business. That gets in the way of work or business and can cause greater stress.

Wadlaen 23

Maybe dad needs to downscale his workload, for his own health's sake?