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Romcom vibes

By Depresso-espresso - 08/11/2024 20:00 - United States

Today, I visited the best cafe for the fourth time in a week. I’ve tried not to flirt with the same (hot) barista, I even mentioned my partner, but we chat and joke every time, and get on well. After I said bye and left, I heard a hasty, “Love you, bye.” It's maybe a joke, but he’s a total catch, and I don't know if I can go back there now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like you are both very interested. And that you are trying really hard not to cheat on your partner. If you care about your partner you should probably not go there again, or make it very clear you are not interested. The other option is to break up with your current partner and see how you do hit along.

GoogieWithers 22

Why are you flirting if you have a partner?


GoogieWithers 22

Why are you flirting if you have a partner?

Wadlaen 23

He might have said it without thinking, without actually meaning it as it sounded, but just that he appreciates you.

It sounds like you are both very interested. And that you are trying really hard not to cheat on your partner. If you care about your partner you should probably not go there again, or make it very clear you are not interested. The other option is to break up with your current partner and see how you do hit along.

Could he have taken a quick call from his partner? "Sorry babe, I'm at work. Talk later, love you, bye."?

Well, you sound very interested, so that's probably something you should sit down with, but as for his comment I jokingly say that to my coworkers so it might not be that deep.