
By shut_up - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Roseburg

Today, after I had watched a few videos of myself, I realized the sound of my own voice is the single most annoying thing I have ever heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 172
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone hates how their voice sounds on tape

Sir_ND_Pity 35

So, if I kidnap you, record your voice, play it back to you multiple times, I can torture you and ask for money? *rubs paws maliciously together*


Sir_ND_Pity 35

So, if I kidnap you, record your voice, play it back to you multiple times, I can torture you and ask for money? *rubs paws maliciously together*

Everyone hates how their voice sounds on tape

Quite true. I know I do. Unfortunately, I'm a teacher, so I get to hear it a lot!

The only way to get over that hate is by hearing your voice a lot!

I totally get that OP, everyone hates the sound of their own voice. I think I sound annoying as hell as well, and I ask people how they can stand listening to my voice and they usually tend to say "It's cute", so your voice probably isn't as annoying as you think it is.

Apparently it is just because we aren't used to the real sound of our voice (since we hear it 'from inside') and it is just too weird for us to hear our own voice but differently, so disgust kicks in. But maybe in op's case it is rather not the sound of her voice that she finds annoying but the way she talks and the things she says. We also tend I think to find what we say to be useless and dumb, that might sometimes be the case though.

Even Morgan freeman hates the sound of his voice recorded.

It's okay OP. We tend to be a bit more critical of ourselves than others. I'm sure your voice isn't nearly as annoying as you think.

Wizardo 33

Unless you sound like Buggs Bunny or Spongebob all the time I'm guessing its cool. Try and slow it down, your voice may sound better.

UnluckyGenius 21

You have a problem with my voice #7?

Wizardo 33

#27, Yeah I do, sounds like Chris Tucker on speed with his nuts in a clamp all the while inhaling helium. Spongebob's voice has to be one of the most annoying sounds known to man.

Almost everyone hates their own voice the first couple times they hear it. I've adjusted from hearing it often enough - you're probably fine.

daesung 8

You should ask someone else if its annoying. Maybe it's just you

I feel the same way when I hear myself speaking. FYL

juststephhere 23

Everyone voice sounds really high on tape.. You have to edit it and such to make it sound as it normally would haha

crazytwinsmom 25
CharresBarkrey 15

Mine sounds a lot lower as well

No, the way you sound on tape IS the way you sound to other people. The reason it sounds so much different from your point of view is because you're hearing it resonated through your skull and facial bones.