See ya

By marriageblows - 22/01/2012 02:18 - United States

Today, I had the day off from work. I did all the chores hoping to free up time to spend with my husband tonight. When he came home, he looked around and decided that since there was no need for him to stick around and help clean, he'd head to the bar to watch the game with the guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 336
You deserved it 3 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Acousticpixie14 6

Did you ever think to ask him to stay because that's why you cleaned the house? If you did, FYL...if you didn't YDI

Maybe give him a heads up that you wanted to spend time with him...


xxst3althshotxx 1

maybe.... just maybe... you should of said something...

you women are so needy ! let the man watch his game ! hehe. :)

Callythemechanic 0
ImAnInsomniac 3
IHeartJimi02 0

The gf/wife can't just hang out with the guys. It's the husbands time to spend with his friends, watch the game and have a few beers. IMO, op should've spoken up and asked him to stay. If she did ask him then F her life.

as a dude I can affirm that this works, I've blown plans when my wife has done that! (what can I say? I'm a sucker for domesticity!)

Why didn't you say something... YDI for not saying anything.

You don't know if she said something or not- the FML doesn't say.

You could just go out with him. Even if you only pretended to be interested he would get a kick out if it, I'm sure.

agm2010 0

lady., this I when when woman up and tell him 'NO... we finally have time or each go take a romantic bubble bath with me.(;'

Nothing comes before game time, the girl can wait the bubble bath can be postponed but the players never wait for me to finish what I'm doing.

OMqiiTzBellz 0

WOW. That happened to me as well with my & my boyfriend...BUT the way I deal with it now!? I'm outta here..**** you bro. So no matter what hun, DON'T be an option to his ass.

Pb25797051 0

I assume you sent psychic messages into that braincase of his and he still wanted to hang out with his boys. Next time try chaining him to the floor so he stays whether he knows you want him to or not.