Set the scene

By NJ. - 24/01/2009 10:41 - United States

Today, I went to work things out with my girlfriend, with whom I'd had a huge fight with. She told me the night before to come over at noon and that she would be awake. I unlocked the door to see that the place was a mess. She'd thrown a party and was still passed out naked next to her boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 236
You deserved it 2 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jennjo88 0

Move on dude...what a bitch

stephy_fml 0

Hehehe wow now that is a serious FML dude I hope that bitch gets pregnant after she slept with her boss !!!

jakemg 0

This is obviously fake because in the US (this says he's from Michigan), we don't call apartments "flats." Ever.

alliewillie 22

so maybe he moved here from Europe? so what? don't be so quick to ASSume.

says who? I've used and heard the term flats for apartments many times. Youre obviously a shut in. I'm sorry.

tayymeds 23

#24 I wasn't aware that you knew every single american and their personal choice of words. How stupid of you for assuming.

I'm American born and raised and I call them flats..

glossykarma 19

I know several people who call apartments flats, including me

313blades 0

its obiously not fake because i lived in a two bedroom "flat" in nothwest detroit. a flat is split top and bottom, duplex is side by side, and lofts are one big room on top of another with just a bathroom seperated. i hate fake fmls so i wouldnt post one, trust me.

exactly but then shhhtuff would happen and eventually u would be blamed

wesley215 0

@17 Maybe some people do? Just because you dont call them flats doesn't mean other people dont. You look like a dumbass as you speak for the U.S.

I would have written "Ho" all over her in permanent marker.

smartalek 2

shut up and move on. don't be such a BABY.