Sex night

By Anonymous - 13/02/2022 21:59

Today, and ever since I told my wife I had sacked my secretary, a pretty redhead, I’ve noticed my wife has started reverting to her old habit of getting headaches on Fridays, which is normally sex night. Funny how this wasn’t a problem when I had a pretty secretary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 949
You deserved it 1 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, time to hire a new even prettier secretary.

bobsanction 18

His wife was jealous of the pretty secretary and compensating by putting out more. Now that the secretary is gone, she's stopped doing so, saying that she has a headache to avoid sex. It's a toxic behavior people use to manipulate their partner.


Well, time to hire a new even prettier secretary.

your lucky your still married. she doesnt want you to touch her anymore.your marriage was over when you started to schedule sex and you had an affair

Where does he say he had an affair? You've read far too much into a pretty innocent statement.

I don’t how op’s wife’s headaches are related to his secretary.

bobsanction 18

His wife was jealous of the pretty secretary and compensating by putting out more. Now that the secretary is gone, she's stopped doing so, saying that she has a headache to avoid sex. It's a toxic behavior people use to manipulate their partner.

Then you're not old enough to be here.... lol

Wadlaen 23

Yes, it's funny how things sort out...

Might be time to mention the tall leggy blonde that replaced her...

Well maybe if you didn't cheat you'd be getting some ass from your wife lmao. how are you gonna be mad at her when you cheated.