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By tuppu - 03/11/2010 14:35 - Finland

Today, waking up I noticed that my female boss had texted me during the night, telling me she wants me bad. I'm a woman, happily married to a man, and now have to turn her down somehow and not get fired in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 243
You deserved it 3 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she sent it to the wrong person by accident.


agree with number 4... at least give her the motorboat. or bring your happily married hubby in on the fun.

iSitt 0

just close your eyes and think of England ... or the Queen.

Red7646 0
KingDingALing 9

But before the sex, there is a will go something like this... "So you want to do it, boss?" "Yeah! I want you really bad!" "Well...there's a problem. You see, I'm not a lesbian..." "**** you. You're fired." "But I need this job!" "To bad. You should've had sex with me and you would've gotten a nice raise. Unfortunately for you, you are now jobless." "...If I suck you off, can I have my job back?" "Now you're talking!"

I agree with 51 the most but OP kinda pretend that you did then bring a recorder just in case and then when/if she confronts you about it then you can say you didn't receive one and ask about what it was, then record it then you can say no to her and if she fires you you can take it to court and have two types of evidence.

that's more of an FHL since she can't fire you for it

for all you know she can bisexual too. so calm your high horse ._.

maybe it wasn't for you, maybe it was for someone else but she just sent it to you by accedent?

DudeImBetter 0

56 is your name mr sassy pants or mrs assy pants.

weerdo52 0

what the **** are you talking about!?

KiwiExchange 16

At times like these, all you can do is act stupid, as if you never got the message.(:

EmoLittleBish 0

Maybe she sent it to the wrong person?

Do you know what any of the words that you just said mean?

Hmmm, that'll make for some interesting breakfast conversation!

pooper19 3

How do u like your eggs scrambled or fertilized?

I'll bet your husband will be very excited whether he admits it or not

chlorinegreen 27

Today, I accidentally sent a private text to my employee that was meant for my boyfriend. Well there goes my job. FML

Yeah, I agree. Act like it never happened.

Flutist 3

You're retarded. Why "text" her back about it? What would Op say, "Hey I got the text about you wanting to do me. I am strictly dickly, so sorry, see you Monday." If the text was missent then the Op is in for some embarrassment, if the Boss was drunk then she might not even remember it. If it was serious and the Op is uncomfortable with it, she should go talk to her boss in private, say "I think you sent the wrong text to me" and then if the Boss continues, the Op should bring it up to the board--only if the Op wants to go through all the trouble. IF not then ignore it and pretend it never happened.

turn her into HR get her fired then take her job!

Her indirectly blackmailing OP is the dick move...

Maybe she sent it to the wrong person by accident.

Graawr 7

You can make her send a naughty pic then blackmail her. mwahahaha *evil laugh*

wrong number? still keep an open mind. ur in for one hell of a promotion if you play ur cards right. plus now u can blackmail her if shit turn sour and uve got job security as well as a horny friend. and ur husband will be a happy man if he gets to watch.

what makes you think her husband would be happy about watching his wife cheat on him?! not to mention with another woman! I know I'd be wayyyy more pissed off at my wife if I found out she cheated on me AND she was a homosexual!!!!

ShadyFTW1 0

He's a ******* homophobe because he doesn't want his wife to cheat? Hardly

Babushka_Homyak 10

98, he's a homophobe because he said he would be pissed to not only find out that his wife was cheating, but to also find out that she was homosexual. Sounds like homophobia to me.

Not necessarily homophobia. I'd be pretty pissed to find out my significant other had been hiding part of their sexuality from me for a long time. And I'm totally okay with lesbianism.

#109, try again, retard. He'd be upset because his wife LIED about her sexuality, for however long they have been together. Sorry he didn't specify for a deficient little **** like you, but it's clear to anyone else.

Currentlyonfire 4

idk 113. but I'll leave all the gay thoughts to you. have fun watching dick in dick action whatever turns you on.

it sounds like 26 would rather have his wife cheat with another man then with a woman. There is a hint of homophobia in his comment and those saying that there isn't are making assumptions... maybe he could clarify this for us.

126 but u also have to b making an assumption off of his comment rather than speaking with him directly and saying it's worse if she was cheating with a girl doesn't exactly mean he's a homophobe

Flutist 3

1. He would be upset if his wife cheated--with a man or a woman, period. 2. Obviously he would be pissed if his wife turned out to be homosexual (not bisexual) because it would mean he was a fool and married a woman who lied to him and does not sexually like him. I would be pissed to learn my significant other was lying to me about who they really were and perhaps 'forcing' themselves to be with me out of some guilt. 3. Even if he is homophobic his comment does not necessarily say that he is. We are on a message board about a woman who was supposedly hit on by her female boss. You guys started the comments about having a threesome, he was just stating that in THIS SITUATION he would be pissed to learn his wife was both a liar and a cheat, and on top of that might not be with him for very long due to her new sexuality change. 4. It seems to me that if his wife were bisexual he would not mind, but any straight man who loves his wife would not want to learn that his wife is really a lesbian and does not truly want him sexually.

hes not a homophobe he just doesnt want to find out his wife is cheating on him!

I'm a homophobe. but I try not to be mean about it

mojo5678 5

*insert random threesome nonsense here*

I'll provide the dick you provide the ****

Wow interesting situation can do many things here. - Ignore the text like it never happened. - Take your boss on her desk and film it, profit? (Hubby doesn't have to know ;)) - Find a new job. - Or ask hubby to join, errybody happy! ^_^

riseofabreakings 0