By Username - 18/03/2010 08:21 - France

By Username - 18/03/2010 08:21 - France
By Who1s269 - 03/05/2013 12:13 - United States
By Frank - 17/08/2011 06:50 - United States
By I'mmessedup - 29/09/2021 22:59
By Anonymous - 26/09/2023 19:00 - United Kingdom - Barnsley
By Anonymous - 20/07/2022 22:00
By ScrewU - 17/08/2022 19:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/10/2019 02:00
By LOLCATS - 13/10/2009 13:45 - United Kingdom
By Frustrating - 21/07/2024 09:00 - United States
By Marvin-jones - 02/03/2023 02:00
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Show it anywayI c wut u did thur
haha classic women move
lmfao touché sir. ;) I see what u did and I second it and to me it seems the op just didn't want it cuz if he did he'd jump over an invite like that. like a woman in a bar only has to say she's horny and boom sex. however she sucks for not rubbing up aganst him and saying it in a sexy voice or something :/ so fyl and ydi op
Cause men are all battery operated sex toys that immediately respond no matter what and at the drop of a hat. FYL for having a wife who takes you for granted, and good luck re-establishing intimacy w/ your wife. :(
that's mean of her.
You probabaly get hot by watching her eat chicken wings douche
It's very obvious who is married here and who is still a horny know it all 19 year old. Contrary to popular belief men like to feel special too sometimes when it comes to sex. If a woman had posted "Today my husband told me he was horny and I asked him to help get me in the mood. He sighed and left for work." you guys would be screaming dude was a lazy, chauvinistc, pig, but it's ok for his wife to just wanna be a lazy bitch? None of us know if either party is being attentive soit could be both their faults it led up to this.
y didn't he pursue her like prey?
Just resort to rape, it may be arousing and if the police show up tell them you like kinky stuff!
#108 looks like snickerdoodles. And #1, that was very clever.
102 I completely agree. double standards piss me off.
i hate thats shit y wld u say tht! her sayen tht is enough for you to make next move, thats acomplete turn off
this guy knows the score. believe it or not, once you've had sex with the same partner a few thousand times, you might take a bit more motivation than you did when you were young and hormonal. it's not like op said he wasn't interested. in fact, he pretty much said "let's get started" and she bailed. fyl op
Well don't just sit on ur lazy ass like a king, go initiate something
if she was really horny, she would have done something about it. sex with her is proly as exciting as cleaning a toilet bowl
That does it for me every time!
when my girl says she is in the mood, I go upstairs also...
YDI for not hittin that
no dude after marriage women get freaking lazy coz they think they already have the man, its stupid but true. still tho I made my wife call in sick one time coz she was horny, and usually if she's horny she needs to do 90% of the work. it's my house rule lol
Why is that a rule, Joey? The work can't be 50/50? You're an idiot! OP: FYL for having a wife who doesn't even want to try. If she's horney, she should at least do SOME of the work.
reason is coz when I'm horny I do 95% of the work so why can't she do 90% when she is? did u read my comment right? I said if SHE IS horny well then she has to advance, most girls get horny and are too lazy to do sumthing about it that's all I'm saying.
I've been with MOST girls.
imao u fail
when you're rocking a pair of **** like this chick you could get it everyday
^^^uh huh
hells yeah ^
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Show it anyway#8 is only 14
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Show it anywayyou look so orange! ompa lompa............
Omg 82 stfu
Ouch, she may have fished for compliments which is embarassing on her part but dang now shes a ***** and a **** for being well dressed and taken care of her appearance? That is a little harsh. & for all you guys jumping through hoops over a girl on the web is pretty embarassing on your part too hehe.
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Show it anywayReally? Do we really need to know your age and cup size?
Harsh >_> C is avg and 15 is young just about everyone shut up and move on ._.
i agree. i thought, for males, just hearing the words got him in the zone.
Lol, women can be so ignorant.
I dunno...I'm assuming he wanted a handjob or a ******* to kick things off? When I'm asked, it's not the same as when I just go for it. I don't believe she thought she could just hop on and take him for a ride. But hearing someone say, "I need you to excite me first" might've killed it for her. It would for me.
Love the double standards with women. Roles were reversed here they would be all "You deserve it for thinking she should do you whenever you want".
"Um, you need to get me in the mood." Isn't that something a woman says? Pull out your tampon and **** that woman stupid.
lol 18. When my wife tells me she's horny, I'm almost DONE! Maybe it would help you be "in the mood" if your wife had a pair of balls instead. FYL, it must suck to be married to a horny chick when all you wanna do is smoke some pole.
I agree with these people! she probably just wanted you to grow a pair and take her. I know it turns me on, anyways
that's why she said she was horny! To get you in the mood. was that not enough?
"Um, you need to get me in the mood." Isn't that something a woman says? Pull out your tampon and **** that woman stupid.