Shy colon

By scared2poop - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Australia - Brighton

Today, like many other days, I drove 15 minutes away from my girlfriend's house to poop at the local McDonald's, because I'm too scared of her roommates hearing my extreme noise terror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 840
You deserved it 4 004

Top comments

CheekyRaccoon 27

It has been said that the noises that OP makes while dropping brown bombs are loud enough to scare off a large pack of lions. I've never seen it happen before, but I heard that OP once saved someone about to be mauled by lions. Truly remarkable stuff.

But OP, what about the terror innocent McDonalders will be hearing? Or the walls? Walls have ears too you know! Keep that in mind, and happy pooping.


As the old saying goes: true love is wearing make-up to bed and going down the street to McDonald's to poop

AdamTodddBrown 11

Everybody ***** bruh. You're gonna have to get over it one of these days.

The difference between dating and 20 years of marriage.

Noise terror + Australia... You're actually a large spider in a trench coat, hat and those glasses with the fake nose and mustache, aren't you, OP? You can't fool us!

I don't know how well you feel at her place. I would personally rather poop in a friend's house then a public washroom. A horrible twist would be that if you got to McDonalds and the toilet was out of order.

For some reason the bathroom scene from Dumb and Dumber comes to mind

So you're afraid of her roommates hearing you in a private bathroom but not afraid to have random people in a public bathroom hear you?

Redgy22 26

I'm sure 5 minutes away would be enough.

Laying down some TP can completely stop any extreme noise reverberating in the bowl! Try it ???

bad might have to get over yourself someday