Shy colon

By scared2poop - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Australia - Brighton

Today, like many other days, I drove 15 minutes away from my girlfriend's house to poop at the local McDonald's, because I'm too scared of her roommates hearing my extreme noise terror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 840
You deserved it 4 004

Top comments

CheekyRaccoon 27

It has been said that the noises that OP makes while dropping brown bombs are loud enough to scare off a large pack of lions. I've never seen it happen before, but I heard that OP once saved someone about to be mauled by lions. Truly remarkable stuff.

But OP, what about the terror innocent McDonalders will be hearing? Or the walls? Walls have ears too you know! Keep that in mind, and happy pooping.


Golden Buttcheeks, er. . .arches. . . for the win!

Melodija 19

You can put some toilet paper in the toilet and turn on the tap while you're in the bathroom and that should mask any noises you may make

I feel your pain, OP. I used to do route work that was a pay-by-the-stop for a living but have an irrational fear of taking the Browns to the Superbowl in public restrooms. I'd drive to a state park that had incredibly private bathrooms no matter where I was to go. I got over this because I just forced myself to go to public ones. It's human nature to poo, don't worry about all the weird noises and smells - apologize if anyone calls you out on it... they're immature if they do anyways!

Some say, it's sounds like the actual dropping of bombs.

I turn the fan on when I poop with my girlfriend in the house.

You mean the smell is so delightful that the sound is the only problem? Yeah, that's what I thought. Now your drive should be 45 minutes each way.

How do you hold it in during that drive?!