Skin deep

By Anonymous - 07/11/2019 10:15 - Australia - Hornsby

Today, I find out why my long term boyfriend hasn't been interested in sex for the last three months. It’s because I’m "fat." While I could probably lose a few, I'm not obese and I'm the one who's encouraging healthy eating and exercise in our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 978
You deserved it 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's about 99% likely that it's got nothing to do with your weight. The dude is likely either mentally checked out of the relationship, getting his rocks off somewhere else, mad at you for some unspecified reason, or possibly projecting his own insecurities on to you. Either way, if you feel that strongly about it, just dump him before you entangle your lives together financially or familially.

At 30 people start growing outward and stop growing upwards. Our metabolism slows, we actually understand consequences, wrinkles develop, hair starts graying or thinning, skin starts sagging, teeth fail and fall out, illness becomes more likely. If he can't accept you for you there is no hope for the future, you will inevitably end up looking much different than you do today, but those are only looks, they cannot change your beautiful heart or mind and those alone are what your significant other should love, as the body will surely fade away.


It's about 99% likely that it's got nothing to do with your weight. The dude is likely either mentally checked out of the relationship, getting his rocks off somewhere else, mad at you for some unspecified reason, or possibly projecting his own insecurities on to you. Either way, if you feel that strongly about it, just dump him before you entangle your lives together financially or familially.

Yes or...I know this will sound awful. I know, but it isn't...really always something bad about the offender. If I was a healthy weight, and my SO was a healthy weight, and for some reason over the next year he gained 40 lbs, sure I'd love him dearly still, but part of my sexual libido/attraction to him is the way he looked. It's difficult. I don't know what size your SO is, or if he changed at all as well with you. (Assuming you've gained weight and are overweight, that is.) But if you physically did and his libido died with it, please don't blame someones drive over it. He could have at least spoken to you about it, worked with you over it, communication! It's such a tricky subject though. Any person would HATE to bring up this to their SO. Bring it up: SO is mad. Don't bring it up and hold it in: You're unhappy and SO still gets mad. Discuss, plan, and if he isn't able to continue to your satisfaction, I am really sorry. Mutually leave each other. People are allowed to have personal likes and dislikes with peoples looks and personalities. It's the way of the world.

oh that really sucks maybe you should lose some weight and start looking for a new boyfriend along the way new you, new bf, new life

If someone can't love you for who you are then it's time for a upgrade, like the others said new BF

are you fatter than you use to be? just wondering.

Mungolikecandy 19

Most people are fatter than they used to be...

Get your self a big vibrator and when he ask why you got that tell him is penis is so small I have to use this. Or just dump him dumb ass

icalledhisname 12

I’m honestly not sure why you got downvotes on this. It’s funny and not too bad of an idea even though it would surely wreck their relationship...Would just be a great way to get a bit even

At 30 people start growing outward and stop growing upwards. Our metabolism slows, we actually understand consequences, wrinkles develop, hair starts graying or thinning, skin starts sagging, teeth fail and fall out, illness becomes more likely. If he can't accept you for you there is no hope for the future, you will inevitably end up looking much different than you do today, but those are only looks, they cannot change your beautiful heart or mind and those alone are what your significant other should love, as the body will surely fade away.

Sounds like you are blaming your boyfriend.

my wife lost intrest in sex 4 years ago. a year after we were marrid...

If that’s all it is, cut your losses and run. Generally speaking, when we get into serious relationships, we gain and lose- we gain weight (bc we’re happy and content) and lose friends (bc we spend more time with our partners). Losing weight won’t help this situation- it’d be a temporary bandaid. At some point, when you’re in love, little things like a few pounds, a couple of pimples, etc. aren’t even something you notice anymore. You fall in love with the person, who they are and how they make you feel. I’m here if you’d like to talk- I’ve been in this situation before.