Start worrying

By Unattractive brunette - 13/07/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, my laptop was slow so I used my husband’s laptop. I went to the bedroom and found it opened, so I moved the trackpad and it powered on. The first thing I see is a page with redhead porn, and another tab with nude redheads. You know who else is a redhead? The new girl at his job he tells me not to worry about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 430
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It can only go downhill from here… He’s probably attracted to her which is why he’s living out his fantasies with internet **** with girls who look like her. I’d confront him about it and possibly set boundaries with the coworker. His reaction from the conversation will tell you everything you need to know. Bottom line: This is a huge red flag and you need to nip this in the bud before it escalates from fantasy to fantasy them in bed.

Battousai124 7

Well, better an adult website, than her, right?! Attraction is one thing people can't control, as long as he doesn't act on it, it should be fine.


It can only go downhill from here… He’s probably attracted to her which is why he’s living out his fantasies with internet **** with girls who look like her. I’d confront him about it and possibly set boundaries with the coworker. His reaction from the conversation will tell you everything you need to know. Bottom line: This is a huge red flag and you need to nip this in the bud before it escalates from fantasy to fantasy them in bed.

Battousai124 7

Well, better an adult website, than her, right?! Attraction is one thing people can't control, as long as he doesn't act on it, it should be fine.