
By frustrated - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Gosport

Today, everyone at work asked about the awful, twisted wound on my hand. I was too embarrassed to admit to having torn my skin apart with a pair of tweezers while trying to remove a splinter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 132
You deserved it 5 046

Top comments

I'm assuming this splinter was the size of a twig? Maybe you should leave this kind of stuff to the professionals, genius.

You should listen to him, he's a doctor.


Why were you embarrassed? Splinters are hard to get out

perdix 29

"Yeah, but you should see how ****** up the other guy is! He won't be ******* with me anymore."

loserboii 11

He looks physically hurt & if he says that he hurt another guy? Sounds like the Spongebob episode- Blackened Sponge

You may be watching too much Spongebob, buddy.

54- There indeed is no problem with watching the show. Now, of you're going to remember the episode names, there's a problem.

one11oh 2

Splinters are a bitch, but you just gotta pull them out. Even if you tear your hand apart.

Why were you embarrassed OP? You're probably the kind of person that could dig a bullet out of himself if you had to. Splinters ****** hurt.

You should embrace your lack of skill for splinter removing.


am i hearing a bit of "darwanism at its finest" in my ear.

Nymphetamatrix 19

So...what did you actually tell them?

Better than attempting laser surgery with a laser pointer.