
By frustrated - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Gosport

Today, everyone at work asked about the awful, twisted wound on my hand. I was too embarrassed to admit to having torn my skin apart with a pair of tweezers while trying to remove a splinter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 132
You deserved it 5 046

Top comments

I'm assuming this splinter was the size of a twig? Maybe you should leave this kind of stuff to the professionals, genius.

You should listen to him, he's a doctor.


dog1999 2

Tweezers and tape not a freaken chainsaw. It's just a splinter.

Dude you should total say you got bitten by a piranha in the amazon. War stories are cool!

StephenLovesYou 3

Ouch, how the heck did that happen? Drunk much?

Everyone thinks they're so clever with saying, "Did you use a chainsaw?" Cute joke, bro. Please, tell it again.

Wow.. thats a crazy way to remove a splinter OP! :-O

meowy333 8

That sucks. When I was little, i fell into a grate thing. you know, the ones that people refuse to walk on because it has those bars? Well, this one was made of wood. My very sleepy mom tried to get a huge splinter out of my foot with tweezers then a needle and didn't stop for a while. It hurts when that happens.

BeautyOfGrac3 6
Twipz_fml 3

Next time you get a splinter, put a bit of glue over it, let it dry, then peel it off. The splinter will come with it.