
By Wanna be a skeleton - 10/07/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, I was finally able to see a dermatologist and figure out why my skin problems are so awful. The good news is that I now have an answer: Hidradenitis suppurativa. The bad news is that it's a permanent condition. It's been making my life miserable since I was fourteen, and it's PERMANENT. Great. Just great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 482
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

angeleyes0724 10

I've had HS for almost 20 years and it is quite manageable. Do due diligence, find your triggers and what works for you


angeleyes0724 10

I've had HS for almost 20 years and it is quite manageable. Do due diligence, find your triggers and what works for you

Poor you. Dermatologists can be such a-holes. At least you found one that could diagnose your condition. If he morphs into a cosmetics representative, you can always change it.