Small talk is hell
By thisismyawkwardface - 19/02/2014 07:17 - South Africa - Johannesburg
By thisismyawkwardface - 19/02/2014 07:17 - South Africa - Johannesburg
By tramp - 10/11/2013 05:51 - United States
By DAMMit - 27/07/2009 08:12 - Australia
By scaredinnyc - 14/11/2012 01:03 - United States - Trenton
By Eloise - 21/03/2017 14:00
By Mylifesintatterssendhelp - 12/11/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 16/01/2011 10:48 - Canada
By Anonymous - 01/11/2019 22:00
By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 04:19 - United States
By Shame - 19/09/2012 20:22 - Canada - Toronto
By popemichael - 19/06/2009 22:48 - United States
all pretty tattoo objects will become popular some time, there may be a thousand people who already had a feather tattooed before it became so popular. We get tattoos because of different reasons. some thinks tattooes have to mean something and some just like tattoos and get them because they look pretty.
Today, I was chatting to this strange girl at a party and we started talking about tattoos. We jokes about stupid, trendy, meaningless tattoos. She made fun of feathers, anchors, and infinity signs in particular... I have tattoos of all three. FML.
Never Insult a persons Tattoo's. All mine are personal to me and have meanings. However Next time maybe ask about the tattoo's someone has before you start slagging off the designs you aren't fond of
I knew a lady who used to tell us that when she died, she would become a butterfly and that every time we saw a butterfly, we would know she was cousin ended up getting a butterfly tramp stamp in memory of her. I'm still not a fan of tramp stamps...but, hers has a meaning.
I've been playing the violin since I was 8 years old (and many others since then, but that was my starting point). If I had continued I could've been professional but my life took a different path. In grade 9, while doodling, I made the little treble bass heart and thought "cool I want to do that one day!" Flash forward a few years when I can actually get it, and bam everyone has it. I searched the internet and found a different variation that looks much more feminine and I got that done. Music has been my life for 14 years, and I wanted something to symbolize that on my body. It may not be deep, nobody died, but it is a pure representation of me.
the anchor with "refuse to sink" is my most hated generic tattoo, if my anchor doesn't sink, I'm demanding a refund
22 you are just ignorant then. A very close friend of mine has gone through so much in his life. Including a car accident leaving him with brain damaged and to be judged by every teacher with what he can and can't do. Music has played a huge part in his ability to deal with ever and his treble clef tattoo means a lot to him.
#85, My mate git the triforce symbol and he has never recived any flak for it
Don't worry. It's not like you expected her ro have them.
I think the comment is fine - I wouldn't assume the sexuality of the poster based solely on gender - OP could be interested in women, we don't know.
It's ok OP, we all make mistakes haha
While I think those tattoos look pretty, they are pretty overused. This is why you ask if they have any tattoos before passing any judgement about any ones in particular. But FYL, OP, the fact that she had them was still unexpected
I totally agree. They're so overused, like Chinese character tats. The only acceptable feather tattoos in my opinion are dream catchers with feathers... I think they're gorgeous. But other than that, they're stupid. I've also seen a lot of girls with quotes from The Fault In Our Stars -_-
One person's "stupid" is another person's "gorgeous." But, really, who cares? It's their body... Unless you're a Siamese twin, their tattoos shouldn't bother you.
Dreamcatcher tattoos are just as overused as those other tattoos.
Did you read "The Fault in Our Stars?" If you don't and discriminate because of so, then go read the book and see why they might put a tattoo on it. The book have some quotes that revolves around cancer, so it makes sense that some might want to put a tattoo on it because it reminds them of ---- or ----.
You are such a bitch... Hey, have you ever thought they were just cute so they wanted them. Or how about those people who have had family members struggle with cancer and get quotes from "The Fault in Our Stars"
76- Shut up, you over-sensitive, whiney little thing. We're all allowed our own opinions on what seems stupid, uninspired, tacky, or generic to us individually. My mom died from a horrifying bout with cancer and you don't see me or anyone else who has lost someone dear and close to the disease bitching about some random persons preferences and pet peeves. I swear, sometimes it just seems like people desperately want to feel offended by the most meaningless bullshit.
Tattoos is one subject I don't insult, because people have them for personal reasons I know nothing about.
If she likes them, cool. But she can't get mad if people make fun of her for following the pack. My favorite is "refuse to sink" with an anchor. ANCHORS SINK PEOPLE.