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By fryebaby623 - 13/11/2015 05:47 - United States - Vero Beach

Today, I was so tired when I got home from work, I took off my bra without removing my shirt which I've done so often it is second nature. I successfully removed the bra, then snagged the clasp on a loose shirt thread, causing my bra to take on a life of its own and slap me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 291
You deserved it 3 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your bra is tired of having to support you all the time. Violence is never the answer though and you shouldn't have to take that. I think it's time for a new one OP. As the FML community would say "you mean ex-bra".

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

Betrayed by your over the shoulder boulder holder


BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

Betrayed by your over the shoulder boulder holder

lmao thats a name im gonna have to use for it someday

I feel like this FML is really not an FML.

Sounds like your bra is tired of having to support you all the time. Violence is never the answer though and you shouldn't have to take that. I think it's time for a new one OP. As the FML community would say "you mean ex-bra".

So how's your face? I hope it didn't hurt to badly. There's only one solution to this op... Burn the bra as revenge!!

man_in_black08 28

Can someone please explain the detail to this FML?. I confess i am not so knowlegeable on how bras work.

Bras are fastened in the back (sometimes the front) with little plastic hooks. Op lifted up her shirt to take her bra off. One of the hooks caught on to the fabric of her shirt (which she had probably pulled up a little for easy bra access). Because most women are pretty skilled at taking off our bras, this is generally a quick, fluid motion. So when the bra snagged the shirt, it had some momentum behind it and it flung back up and hit OP. Kind of like if you're trying to flick a rubber band, but you pull it wrong and it hits you instead of going across the room (or, at least, that's the best analogy I can think of).

it's called foreplay #8... you slow down and explore then please the woman before you give her some vitamin D.

Goblin182 26

It was when I was in high school

Genius description! That is EXACTLY how it happened. Like a stinkin fabric rubber band.

man_in_black08 28

Thank you (: see now THAT makes it clear to me! It was a legitimate question, and still i got thumbs down :/

If you don't wear one everyday, you probably would never think of this happening. Most women have had their bras attack them at least once in some way.

I want people to like my comment, but I honestly don't know what to say. I could come up with a witty comment, or I could show compassion. I'll try both and people can tell me which one's better. Witty comment: I bet this incident hurt your personal idenTITy. Compassionate remark: I'm sorry this had to happen to you. I mean it happens all the time, but you never think that it can be you. Hang in there, it gets better. I promise.

#9, Just be yourself. Make comments from how you would normally talk, not a comment trying to please the community. You won't please everyone anyway

My only advice is to stay awaaay from the terrible forced puns. You'll only make a boob of yourself and the whole comments section will go **** up.

Just comment what you want! It's not something to worry about. :) BUT IF YOU COMMENT SOMETHING WE DONT LIKE IN THE SLIGHTEST WE WILL THUMB YOU DOWN SO FAST.

I will admit it... I was lazy and I didn't try to make a comment worthy of likes. I'm glad you all gave me a thumbs down. Next time i'll work harder, and make a comment worthy of likes.

That is the best part of the day. Releasing the girls as soon as you walk in the door after work. I'm usually in my PJs immediately afterwards, unless I have to take my kids somewhere.

Yep, the second I walk in the door I immediately change into comfy clothes!