So good
By shelby124 - 15/08/2012 16:31 - United States - York

By shelby124 - 15/08/2012 16:31 - United States - York
By Alwayshappens2me - 17/07/2009 23:09 - United States
By Username - 14/07/2019 20:00
By MrAwsum - 17/03/2009 20:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 22:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 14/11/2012 07:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/08/2022 18:00
By ohfantastic - 25/01/2009 02:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/08/2022 02:00
By MarMar - 15/03/2009 20:47 - United States
By Zoe123 - 19/03/2009 06:05 - United States
"Oh, you liked the steak I prepared? Well then, I'll let you two both get back to doing what my son does best"
23 - I'd hope the mom wouldn't say that. It makes it sound like she knows from experience.
Not many moms-- but I know plenty of dads that would have a "that's my boy!" attitude. However they'd feel different towards their daughter! Double standards at its best.
Parents have to realize that a boyfriend and girlfriend like to have sex. It is completely normal. At least it isn't anyone cheating.
Hey...she asked
Who would have a threesome with their mom...
Did that fml get deleted?
Looks like it. Too bad, that one really made me chuckle
that one and the other fml with the mom showing her breast were pretty funny. it sucks they got deleted
This is only one of approximately 7259 reasons not to have sex in your parents' (or your boyfriend's parents') house. You deserve to get caught, thrown out, and embarrassed. Common sense is dreadfully uncommon these days.
Ah crap I can't remember #2174 again....
26, how are you going to walk in on them having sex when you're having sex? Is this a new style where you walk while having sex into random rooms now?
Sex isn't a vile act that should be avoided; but I agree, that all should be weary when having it at home!
55- Aside from your wont to publicly shame me, thank-you for the correction.
#32, you haven't tired this new style of sex yet? The walking while having sex! Then your missing out a lot in this world buddy.
FilleNoir - When you want to correct someone on a long comment thread, specify who the **** you're talking to.
Sex in the parents house. Just a bad idea all around. It's a major risk you run.
Not if grandpa's around... You know, the one who likes fisting girls... *shudder*
I do it at her parents house all the time... Just have to wait until their asleep...
I ****** my husband day or night or whenever, when he still lived at home and at that time was just my boyfriend. Yes no one wants to hear people having sex but they are going to have sex no matter what. They should feel safe. Sex is normal just don't leave your door open so your sister can see and put on loud music.
#74 - I totally agree! Cute profile pic btw, who doesn't love Nialler c;
"Don't worry, he's not as big as your husband."
Best reply ever...
This is gold
Op's BF's Mom: GTFO, LITTLE *****.
That's what you get for sleeping with... 1. A guy that still lives with his parents 2. A guy when his mom is at home! Ydi
You don't know how old the guy is or if he even has the money to move out. He might be living with his parents through college. So don't say that's what she gets for sleeping with a guy who lives with his parents.
It really depends on the parents.
Well my dad would come at us with a rifle and tell him he has five seconds to get out of his sight.
#7, I'd amend 1: Add "and doesn't have the sense to put a lock on his bedroom door and use it."
75- your profile says your 14. Damn straight your dad would be busting in rifle in hand. Just because the media wants you to be a **** doesn't mean you have to be. Any good father would flip if his 14 year old daughter was bumping uglies.
He might me be a kid for all we know.
124- That was my point exactly. It wouldn't matter if I was 24. My dad still wouldn't want me having sex in his house. And I'm not a ****. I'm a virgin.
Thank god you are. I hate how 14 year olds now a days think they are so mature and start doing drugs and drinking and having sex to be cool like older kids. That's how a majority of my town is now a day. We had an 8th grader and a freshman taken to the hospital from the school because they had alcohol poisoning. They aren't even smart enough to wait until school is over. I weep for their future.
I am tempted to say ask her to join in but I won't
Still didn't hold back completely, downvoted
But.... You did say it...
Shouldn't have done it, son... Should have trusted your instinct on this one...
Why, I have read much better ones
Why do people think having sex with others in the house (Especially parents) is a good idea? It's just rude! YDI.
It depends on how many people are around and how big the house is.
As long as they don't have to see it or hear it, I don't see what's wrong with having sex in someone else's house (assuming you actually live there and aren't just breaking in of course.) The way OP worded it made it seem like they're both adults, but her boyfriend just happens to live with his mom (and there are plenty of reasons for this.) If anything, it was rude of the mom to interrupt the way she did (making OP get dressed and "explain herself" as though the mom has never had sex before.) And #47, epic name. :)
The same damn reason why your parents think its cool to have sex at 11 pm when you go out to for a midnight snack and hear them in the kitchen.
Midnight snacks are bad for you, that's your own fault. :P And sex in a public area (like a table, where you have to eat) is gross, so that DOES have to do with respecting others. OP and her boyfriend were in a bedroom. Seriously though, just lock your doors and keep it down. Knock before entering rooms. Problem solved.
Or rather *probably in a bedroom.
116) so you're saying if all your friends secretly hated you and talked shit behind your back, but you never found out, that's not rude? You're retarded, the act itself is what's rude, not whether or not you get caught. And who the he'll cares if they're adults or not. He still lives with his mommy, being 18 doesn't mean shit. Being self-reliant and having his own house would allow him to do whatever he wanted.
So I should have waited to have sex with my boyfriend now husband before we lived together? Cause having sex is so offensive and disgusting? I wasn't waiting 6 years for that hell I couldn't wait 2 months. But we tried to respect them not be loud and if they had a problem with they never mentioned it. So yeah 116 is right we can't all move out at 18 nor should you feel forced out of your home just to have sex.
"Don't worry, he's not as big as your husband."
But then you compliment her on her cooking and it's all good.