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Sounds like a catch

By Anonymous - 02/11/2020 02:01

Today, I accidentally got pregnant by my boyfriend of three years and now I’m 4 months pregnant, single and we don’t even talk anymore. The best part is that he doesn’t believe I’m pregnant, nor that it’s his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 177
You deserved it 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Regardless of what he wants, he may be forced by law to pay child support depending on his income. It's not actually his right by law to not be a part of the Childs life.

DoctorPALO 14

There is such a thing as DNA testing. I know this won't be well-received here but get the DNA test. Prove it's his. It won't make him want to be a father, but he can still take financial responsibility. For all those yelling that he deserves a choice, too-yes he does. He exercised one of those choices when he decided to enter into a sexual relationship. Birth control fails. If he absolutely did not want to be a father, he should have made the choice WITH you to absolutely prevent pregnancy by using several methods, even -gasp- abstinence.


tounces7 27

I assume you must want to be a mother since you appear to be keeping it. I also assume he does not want to be a father, or at least not a directly involved one. You had a choice, and still have many choices and options left to you, should he not get any?

he has a choice in how to handle it, and denying the pregnancy is quite childish. if he's old enough to get a women pregnant, he should be old enough to take responsibility for a child.

tounces7 27

He may be childish, I won't argue that, but the choice to become a parent shouldn't begin and end at biological needs for either sex.

it's his right not to want the baby, but not trusting her on it being his is a jerk move.

Nhayaa 21

Sorry but not sorry. 4 months is a long time, enough to talk to your ex and make a decision. So now that you've decided to keep it knowing there would be no father, deal with it. I totally disagree with the comment that says that if he's old enough to get a woman pregnant he should assume. Nope. It's his right to not want to be a father yet. You were old enough to get an abortion. Both sides made their decision.

Regardless of what he wants, he may be forced by law to pay child support depending on his income. It's not actually his right by law to not be a part of the Childs life.

freaksinyourhead 6

but it should be his right by law.

he has the choice to not be present in the child's life... but it is his blood and his responsibility to help take care of it even if only financially. it is his child, regardless of how he decides handle it, and walking out now is almost as bad as doing so later. he made a choice and it did not turn out in his favor... to bad. they may also live in an anti abortion location. don't make grown up choices if you cant handle grown up outcomes.

She didn’t say when she got dumped, It could’ve happened right after she hit the 4 month mark and couldn’t abort.

tounces7 27

Right, despite having 20x as many birth control options, only women can get out of being a parent, before, or even after the child is born. Men don't have any rights whatsoever in that regard. Because screw equality in America.

rotflqtms_ 21

You have the right not to have sex. If you dont have sex, you dont have kids. You really believe it's your RIGHT to force a woman to have an abortion? She's the one who will have to go through the birth process, and get her body F'd up. What exactly do males do besides provide the sperm? But you want the right to forcibly make her have an abortion? And You know what? It takes two to have sex. Both her and him. They both did the deed, so they both have to deal with the consequences of said deed. If he really didn't want kids, he could have used a condom or gotten a vasectomy. Nothing is 100% tho. Things reverse themselves, condoms break, pills fail, even sometimes...rarely...abortions fail. Either way, if she's past 3 months, it's usually too late for her to get an abortion. And if she's young and just starting her period, it may not even be regular. And if she's on the pill, she probably wasn't even expecting to be pregnant. But either way, they both had sex, so they are both responsible for the outcomes. He may not have to stay with her, but he will have to take care of his kid. If he really doesn't want kids and is unwilling to deal with whatever happens from him having sex, he really shouldn't be having sex.

Fake news! It's a hoax. It's probably some Chinese sperm created in a Wuhan lab. Trump has given us such nice tools to deal with unpleasant truths.

how do you accidentally get pregnant? everyone knows when you get creampied without using protection you get pregnant 🙄

Vesi 29

All BC has a failure rate. My son is the direct result of one such failure. Since we don't know what they were using (or not) we can't assume.

failure rate of 1%....not very likely unless she wasn't keeping up with her bc

SAM i AM 4

not sure how to read your comment!! Haha... (he is) "the direct result of one such failure" ... i laughed and frowned all at the same time... niiice one!

DoctorPALO 14

There is such a thing as DNA testing. I know this won't be well-received here but get the DNA test. Prove it's his. It won't make him want to be a father, but he can still take financial responsibility. For all those yelling that he deserves a choice, too-yes he does. He exercised one of those choices when he decided to enter into a sexual relationship. Birth control fails. If he absolutely did not want to be a father, he should have made the choice WITH you to absolutely prevent pregnancy by using several methods, even -gasp- abstinence.

Well, there’s always a DNA test to prove paternity. If you guys were together for 3 yrs prior, why would he doubt its his? Is there something missing to this story?

Did you ask him if he was ready to be a father when you found out? If he said no, and you both took precautions, and you decided to have the baby, then the child's life is on you. This happened to me...and he said no...I decided to have the child without any involvement or interference from him or his family unless my child asked, which he did years later. Which was fine. YOU CAN'T FORCE PEOPLE TO BE GOOD PARENTS. And if they say means no. If you're going to have have a problem with abortion (because your birth control fails), THEN TELL YOUR LOVER BEFORE YOU SLEEP WITH THEM. Problem solved. Because most people...male and female, will have an opinion on abortion, and the guy might not be good with abortion, or it might be the girl. Either way, it takes two to tango.