Sports Struggles By FML Videos - 09/11/2018 01:30 Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something! I agree, your life sucks 256 You deserved it 82 Share Tweet Share
Today, I have family over and even though they can see I'm stepping away to go take a shower, instead of interacting with my child who they supposedly love, they ignore her to the point where she comes crying to the bathroom door. So now I gotta move quicker? FML I agree, your life sucks 372 You deserved it 176
Today, I walked into my roommate's room to ask him a question, only to see a pitcher with over a pint of urine in it sitting on his bookcase. This is at least the fifth conversation in a year I've had with him about not peeing in containers in his room. FML I agree, your life sucks 24 032 You deserved it 2 107
Today, the last 8 spiders found in the house have all been in my bedroom. Not the kitchen, or my sister's room, or our parents' room, or front room, laundry, or garage. Always in my room. I’m the only one in the house scared of spiders. The bastards are haunting me, trying to scare me to death. FML I agree, your life sucks 577 You deserved it 144
Today, after her very first driving lesson, my daughter came home claiming she did really well. Which is suspicious since her instructor was at that moment on the phone with me yelling, saying I must be crazy if I think she’s ever getting in his car again, and that I should explain to her what a bus pass is. FML I agree, your life sucks 509 You deserved it 107
Today, my 36 year-old husband decided that I’m not his soulmate and he made a mistake marrying me. Why? Because he believes that the 19 year-old girl he met on his video game online thing is instead, and they’re "meant to be." We’ve been married for 5 years and had our second child a month ago. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 390 You deserved it 102
Today, my parents "suggested" I help them move house. I didn't realize that meant I would be carrying every single bit of furniture out of their house. The muscles in my arms are so tight now that I can't straighten them. I can't wait to help them unpack tomorrow. FML I agree, your life sucks 13 301 You deserved it 1 723
Today, I asked for permission to marry the girl I love. Her father not only said no, he said "HELL no!" FML I agree, your life sucks 35 427 You deserved it 5 030
Today, my daughter thinks the way to save money is to stop taking her antidepressants, because they give her “uncontrollable” food cravings. FML I agree, your life sucks 609 You deserved it 111