Stars of CCTV

By lobotomized - 13/07/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, a couple came into the gas station where I work to ask for directions. While I was giving the woman directions (and even writing them down to be as helpful as possible), the man stole my wallet out of my purse that was sitting on the other end of the counter behind a display. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 714
You deserved it 7 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some FMLs make me lose a little faith in humanity.

It's called a ruse. Asking for the directions was a distraction. Why wasn't your purse put away behind the your locker...or on your arm?


I hate it when good samaritans get punished. Its not fair. FYL

Woah nice teamwork. I have to try that one day :P

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Awwh. /: Douches. You shoulda rewritten the directions and had them go to the local police department (:

haha the return of bonnie and clyde!!!! no one is safe now!!!!

you_there 0

I'd beat him. You have a general idea of where they were going. But, you should keep your purse in a better place, unseen or nonexistent.

Ishari 0

YDI. Why didn't you put your purse in a safe place? You can't say that you didn't think of the possibiity that your purse could get stolen there unless you're a total idiot.

See when I worked a Stop & Shop I was worried someone was going to take my shit from me. There was a little locker beneath the register so I would put it under there, but whenever I had it out I would fricken guard that thing like a hawk. I'm not sure if there are a lot of theft cases at Stop & Shops, but seriously... You should learn to be more protective of your things. Especially if they have your friggen money in it!

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

i've never had anything stolen from me at work, but one time before I got a lock for my work locker, a creepy guy went into it and got my phone number out of my cell, and then called me claiming a girl named Melissa (I know no one named Melissa) gave it to him. he had also read texts that I had gotten while I was working. ugh

buster152692001 0

well thats why you dont leave your shit out