
By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 04:02 - Canada

Today, I'd gotten home from dropping my boyfriend off when my dad said, "Your phone's been buzzing." I had a text saying, "You're grounded" from my Dad. My "Take your birth control" had been going off for a half an hour while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 026
You deserved it 31 872

Same thing different taste

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Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.


fyourlife33 0

Did anyone else notice that instead of it being the "sex" category it is now the "intimacy" category... what in the **** is happening to this website

charlieohcharlie 12

I was just wondering about that...

mellow89 0
LavaMonster 0

Mine just says something stupid that doesn't reference a pill at all exactly for a reason like this haha I know what it means, it's not like i'll forget...

alice_hmph 0

What a stupid reason to be grounded. I mean, bitch control pills can be taken for medical reasons, not only to prevent pregnancy. For instance, I started them to regulate my period. And honestly, even if she is having sex, at least she is being safe and responsible about it. Because you can't control yous kids, or anyone, as much as you may want to, and if they decide that they are going to have sex, then that's what they are going to do. The smartest thing you can do is support them and be a good resource for honest information and condoms.

cocopuff96 0
n_epic_fail 14

YDI for labeling it "Birth Controle Pill" did "pill" or "BCP" not have worked for u? lol O.o

Says the genius who spelled control wrong.

:/ FYL But i don't put an alarm clock (i use my phone ;) )

Playthismelodyx3 0

she meant the alarm on her phone sweety, thats why her phone was going off while she was gone.

See that's why I always have my alarm say "P". You don't have to announce it to the world.

Okay your dad's probably an idiot. Seriously. Birth control doesn't always mean you're sexually active. If you're old enough to drive your boyfriend around (without an adult also in the car with you), you're old enough to take birth control for your own reasons. At least in my opinion. Plus, you weren't texting and driving at the same time. He should be happy about that.

I didn't mean that the texting+driving part should make up for it in his mind, but it's still a good thing that you weren't.

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That's not true... I started taking birth control a couple of months before I started having sex with my boyfriend. And I had some other friends who started before college too, just to be safe... I was planning to be sexually active but I wasn't yet. Just saying, it doesn't mean she was just yet. heh.

yah..what #4 said. op: fathers are protective. It doesn't get much easier as you grow up. Trust me.

justxdream 0

yeah say you use it for acne or some shit haha

Birth Control isn't a bad thing at all. Atleast she's taking percautions. My mom actually MADE me start taking birth control. It doesn't necessarily mean that she is having sex... some people use it to regulate their period. I just happen to use it for both reasons... Never hurts to have a back up plan. :)

Girls also take the pill for reasons other than birth control, like to regulate your period and help with acne.

cxal_fml 0

I have taken birth control for years yet I have no intention of ever having sex and didn't have any intention of having sex while I was on it. In fact, I'm infertile so even if I were having sex, birth control wouldn't be on mind. I do however have a hormonal imbalance and the only treatment for it is the birth control pills. Its very common, as many as 1 out of 10 women have pcos

That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Birth control in prescribed for number of other reasons.

How do you know she is underage? What is the age of consent in Canada? In the US, most states have it at 16. While I know for a lot of European countries and Japan have it at 14.

You really couldn't be more wrong. BC can be used for period control. I'm a guy and I know that.

46, you're either about 11 or not female. I know plenty of people who are on the pill for reasons other than birth control - to control their periods, to clear up acne, etc. Anyway, even if she is having sex, she doesn't deserve to be grounded for it.

#46, you're an idiot. Before you go making un-educated, rude insults, perhaps you should at least have a basic understanding of what you're talking about?

#46, no. I am not underage, I take birth control to regulate my body, and despite this, my father would still care (so my mom and I don't tell him). Don't assume.

it can also be used to regulate your period

Birth control can also be used for period pains. My fathers like that, he found condoms, even though i am of age, and had a raving looney about it, and banned my boyfriend coming round.

my dad was actually the one who SUGGESTED i start birth control because i told him i was having sex and he didn't feel condoms were reliable enough. i have to wonder why these dads don't know their daughters are on BC anyway. if you're young enough that he should be concerned about you having sex (and grounding you for it), surely he would've known when you had the gyno appointment to get the prescription. and if you're old enough to go to the doctor on your own, there's no reason to pop a vein over whether or not you're having sex. and if you ARE having sex, your dad should be thanking his lucky stars you're using contraception. FYL for having an idiot dad. :(

You don't have to go to a gynaecologist to get a Birth control script. I got mine from my dermatologist, but I would think your family doctor would do it too. And the consent age in Ontario is 16 I believe. It was 14 until 2006, and I do not believe it has changed again, though I could be wrong. Also, you can be below 16 if the other person is not more than 2 years older/younger than you. At least that's how the law was before the age changed.

Ya it changed in Ontario... But in other parts of Canada - like where I live - its still 14

Seriously? A) she's being responsible. B) she's doing what humans are programmed to do (assuming she is indeed having sex.) C) People who are of age live with their parents. People who are freakin' 40 live with their parents! Are you living in 1934?

ssnickel 0

Maybe she has irregular periods or horrible cramps every time she gets it and has been on it for years. She may be having sex now, but being on birth control does NOT always equal sexually active. Ever think about that one?

#46, not true. I'm only fourteen years old and I take birth control because my periods are so ridiculously long and they come every twenty days... plus it's really heavy and unbearable. I'm saving myself for marriage; I'm NOT sexually active. birth control is used for other reasons besides for trying to prevent pregnancy.

I've been on birth control since I was 14 due to my irregular periods and my disease. I didn't become sexually active until I was almost 20. BC can be used for so much more than simply preventative meds for those who are sexually active.... do some research boys.

elizacandle 29

Of course she's old enough....but make her father understand that.

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She could have picked a name SO RANDOM that when it went off, she would forget what it was for. Maybe that's just something I would do. Who knows?

Just do something easy then, but tricky for someone trying to figure it out. BCP except backwards. PCB

waterynuggets 0

Right, something like "BC/P"

If you set a BC alarm and can't remember what it's for, no matter what the name is, you have problems. My phone alarms don't even need names... you could just call it "Alarm."

So ... your Dad would rather you were irresponsible & fell pregnant? Is that what he's trying to prove? Fail Dad, Fail.

That's what I thought! My dad was proud that I was taking care of myself and future when he found out. Your dad needs a reality check. First time I've ever had to say this: FYL indeed.

I agree, if I had kids and I would find out that they're sexually active without talking about it to me, I would be really glad that they're responsible enough to think about prevention... fyl for not getting along with your father in this point

cyxx 0

Well I can kinda see both sides of this issue, but since everyone is going apesh*t over how the dad is SO TOTALLY COMPLETELY wrong ... Sure the pill could be for something else, but IF it's not, the point is that the girl's having sex. Yes she's being responsible, that's very nice, but it doesn't change the fact that she is having sex, which is obviously something her father doesn't want her to do. Hence the grounding. Saying that her dad is wrong to punish her because she was using protection is like saying he would be wrong to punish her if she had gone out and gotten wasted/stoned BUT she got someone to drive her home. The fact that she didn't drive under intoxication is nice and all, but it doesn't make up for the main point of the alcohol/drug abuse. Likewise, the point is that she's having sex, whether she's using protection or not.

justxdream 0

Yeah! He can't stop you from having sex that you already had haha ;P At least your taking the right precautions. I don't think you should be grounded :)

yes but would he rather who drive home herself since she was scared of calling her father. you have to say no dont go to drugs but if you do..... and be responsible about it

lilcuti3pi389 0

but how is grounding her gonna make her stop having sex? either way u look at it doesnt really make sense for him to ground her like shes 10 yrs old.. i just dont find that effective

cyxx 0

Yeah, the punishment of grounding is stupid. But I don't think he was oh so wrong to punish her. Dancin303: What? I think you missed the point...

49, I see your argument but it's is also completely unreasonable. Sex and drinking/drugs aren't even comparable in this situation. The point of the FML is because she's growing up. No father wants to see his "little girl" growing up, doing "adult" things. He's being childish, but he's being a father nonetheless. My dad would be mad too if he knew. You compared something positive to something negative. Sex, being safe about it. To drinking/drugs, driving /DD. Last but not least, birth control is used medically to treat other things like acne and to regulate your period as well as prevent pregnancy.

49, I see your argument but it's is also completely unreasonable. Sex and drinking/drugs aren't even comparable in this situation. The point of the FML is because she's growing up. No father wants to see his "little girl" growing up, doing "adult" things. He's being childish, but he's being a father nonetheless. My dad would be mad too if he knew. You compared something positive to something negative. Sex, being safe about it. To drinking/drugs, driving /DD. Last but not least, birth control is used medically to treat other things like acne and to regulate your period as well as prevent pregnancy.

49.. you know, some people have to take birth control to regulate their period. OP never said what she took the pill for.

I think he thinks his daughter shouldn’t get into situations that would require her to have to use birth control pills.


Don't get me wrong or anything, but why is a father so uptight about his daughter having sex? They go all ballistic over his daughter not being virgin anymore. But why?

Seti_fml 0

it has to do with the (outdated) idea that women need to remain innocent, while when a man does the same thing its expected. The whole idea of the innocent little girl is really an anachronism in today's society... but some people just don't like to let go of tradition.

cyxx 0

It's not just daughters, sons too. But I think it's mostly about parents not wanting their kids to make such a big/important decision (I mean, most consider sex to be a pretty big milestone) when they're too young because there's a high likelihood that it'll be a decision they will live to regret. They want to make their kids wait until they're mature enough and in a steady enough relationship to decide to have sex.

"what would you rather? A coke that's had ten penises inside it or an unopened one?" - Cleveland Brown

xsw33tyx101 0

I don't know why parents get so heated up over birth control pill. Being on it doesn't mean your having sex. You can take it against acne or to lighten and regulate periods, etc.

m00sem00se 0

But, wouldn't the dad know if his daughter was taking them as acne treatment? Wouldn't it best to tell him "Hey, Dad, I have to take BCP for my raging acne not because I'm having lots of sex" instead of him finding out and drawing his own conclusions?

how about "hey dad im having heavy periods so im taking birth control not because im having sex" let your mom though but thatd be awkward with the dad.

You're old enough to drive and yet young enough to get grounded? Your dad needs to butt out. Tell him you're taking it to help with your period, he's a bloke he doesn't want to hear about shit like that. He'll probably let you off the hook just so you shut up.

Oh god.. how dare you take birth control pills? You should rather get pregnant.. how can be some parents so stupid? They're not gonna stop their children from having sex anyway, they should be happy if they find out they're at least being safe