Thanks for the support

By Anonymous - 10/02/2021 06:58 - United Kingdom - Halesowen

Today, I felt suicidal and told my mum I was going to hang myself from my curtain rod. All she cared about was the rod possibly coming loose and damaging the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 950
You deserved it 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom didn't take you seriously and tried to make light of it. if you are serious, get help, don't try to scare your mom!

toodamntall 9

I'm sorry, but that's blatantly not true. Lots of people who are suicidal will make comments like that ("I'm going to kill myself") as a cry for help, due to feeling isolated, scared, aware that their thoughts aren't healthy, or because they don't know how to seek help. Having suicidal thoughts and tendencies does not = killing yourself. Saying "I'm going/want to kill myself" is not a threat or attention seeking. It means they are experiencing the urge, thought or desire to harm/kill themselves and they want help and support. Saying something like that does not make their mental or emotional state any less valid, regardless if they actually try to commit suicide or not. Assumptions and claims like yours are the reason why there is still such a strong stigma surrounding mental health, and is exactly why people who are suicidal often won't speak up. OP has already tried to seek help; they tried to seek help from their mum, who clearly disregarded their mental state in favour of concern for their curtain rod and walls.


kimdaa 13

I don't want to sound mean or unsympathetic, but suicidal people rarely make such broad announcements (you could be the exception) and your mother clearly didn't take your throat seriously. If you are truly suicidal then please seek help from a qualified person... friends and family aren't skilled/trained in the ways to properly help you. If you're not suicidal and merely want attention or time with your family, please know that this is not the way to get it. Sometimes things that seem incredibly overwhelming in the moment become less overwhelmed with time. Please get the help (and perspective) that's best for you.

toodamntall 9

I'm sorry, but that's blatantly not true. Lots of people who are suicidal will make comments like that ("I'm going to kill myself") as a cry for help, due to feeling isolated, scared, aware that their thoughts aren't healthy, or because they don't know how to seek help. Having suicidal thoughts and tendencies does not = killing yourself. Saying "I'm going/want to kill myself" is not a threat or attention seeking. It means they are experiencing the urge, thought or desire to harm/kill themselves and they want help and support. Saying something like that does not make their mental or emotional state any less valid, regardless if they actually try to commit suicide or not. Assumptions and claims like yours are the reason why there is still such a strong stigma surrounding mental health, and is exactly why people who are suicidal often won't speak up. OP has already tried to seek help; they tried to seek help from their mum, who clearly disregarded their mental state in favour of concern for their curtain rod and walls.

Critter 1

yes people with depression may make statements such as "I am going to kill myself" BUT if they are going to give a plan, it will be one that has a chance of being successful... such as: I am going to stand in front of a tractor trailer vs I am going to stand on the sidewalk and wait to be hit by lightning. BOTH show signs of depression, but only one shows true suicidal thoughts. And this is coming from someone who spent weeks in a coma from a failed suicide attempt with MANY therapists explaining the one will take hanging from a curtain rod as a serious threat of suicide, while they should consider it is possibly a valid cry for help with depression or another mental health disorder.

You're mom is so dumb that she can't anticipate all of the consequences of that action. You'll probably bend the curtain rod, too!

Your mom didn't take you seriously and tried to make light of it. if you are serious, get help, don't try to scare your mom!

Please talk to a professional. There are help lines to call. You need help and a hard part is admitting and asking for it. Please be brave.

1(800)273-8255 <--Help Line 741-741 <--Text Help Line

If you have had these thoughts, and this is not a joke. Speak to someone.