Thanks for your service

By really - 19/02/2013 15:27 - United States - Knoxville

Today, I was at a club when a notoriously desperate and disgusting guy asked me to grind with him. Hoping for some backup, I coolly said, "You'll have to ask my boyfriend." My boyfriend's response? "Yeah, man, I don't care." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 703
You deserved it 8 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it really that hard to say, "Sorry, but no thank you"?


Maybe your boyfriend shouldn't be your boyfriend anymore.

I agree with everyone saying you should've just said no in the first place. But since you didn't, your next step should've been to walk away and find the hottest guy in the club and start dancing with him. If "your boyfriend doesn't care"

dr_snow_bear 29

Why not just grow some balls and say, "no thanks?" Guys would rather hear that than a dumb lie, and even if your lie had worked and your BF said no, then the other guy could've gotten into a fight telling your boyfriend he doesn't "own" you etc. Next time, think!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

If you put your fate in the hands of others don't be surprised if they fumble. Next time use your spine and just say no.

"Did I say boyfriend? Sorry I meant EX boyfriend, but the odds are still not in your favor."

Maybe he thought you were desperate and disgusting bet that didn't cross your mind did it?

what the hell does that even mean? grind with you?