Thanks, Stephen King

By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 00:02 - United States - Buford

Today, on Facebook, I mentioned that I'd just finished reading the novel Pet Sematary. Two hours later, I'd lost two friends and my boyfriend, after they commented "learn to spell, dumbass", "u illiterate fucker", and "well, I'm not dating you for your brains, am I?" I hate humanity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 741
You deserved it 8 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better to rid yourself of fickle friends now than when it can really hurt you!

Point out to them that it's the correct spelling. I'd like to see their reactions.


kittykat1501 31

Omg, that's my favorite book! How'd you like it? It's sad what happens to gage and church, isn't it?

such idiots if they'd actually take the time to read it they'd know that's how it's spelled

Skyfoogle 14

I read this, and my faith in humanity vanished on the spot. They've never heard of Stephen King?

Lol I love how they call OP illiterate but have never heard of "Pet Sematary"

Have they never heard of the book or the movie based on it? Yikes.