
By glens - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my company announced a new name. They also announced new coffee mugs with the name on them. They've not announced raises in over 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 937
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sure that sucks, but in today's economy you should just be grateful you have a job at all!

well that sorta sucks but the pay must be decent enough for you to be there for over 3 years..


naduskalove 3

Quiet , find a better job and never come back

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Another FML from OP would follow: "I had a stable, long term decent-paying job at which we would occasionally get free company swag. I quit because I thought I could do better, and the other place wouldn't give me the raise I deserved. I've been unemployed for a year now. No one will hire me, no matter where I look. FML."

Making changes that can help in the marketplace is a business strategy. Rebranding a company can make them relevant again. Just because you've done your job for 3 years, and that's an assumption, doesn't mean you are deserving of a raise. It means you should get to keep your job, nothing more. They aren't your parents and this isn't allowance.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

It makes it the way things are. No one thinks it's ok, but that's life nowadays. Your kind of moral mentality has no place in this economic climate. Either you deal with it, or get the **** out and give your job to someone who's grateful to have a means of keeping a roof over their head.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Relax. I misunderstood what you were getting at. No need to be dramatic.

Might want to start searching for a new job if possible. until then, at least you have your own coffee mug?

My wage is 40% of what it was three years ago. GFC sux arse

I haven't had a raise in three years and hundreds of employees that have been working there for 10+ years were laid off so new employees could be hired for severely less pay. I don't even have a job in the career field I chose and have a Bachelors degree in. I am lucky I have a decent job regardless. So suck it up OP. Thousands of us are in the same situation!

TheDrifter 23

I hear you. I have a neuroseurgeon running one of my winch trucks. Can't find work for his specialty. I pay well, but not THAT kind of well. I'm sure he will leave the oil patch eventually, but in the meantime he's making 1/3 of what he was in his specialty.

My company did better I didn't give us a raise for 5 years now, suck it up

But just think about it.... FREE COFFEE MUGS! IS the coffee free too?

crazyman20012001 0

I would rather have the job with no raise in three years than a job that gives me a raise and goes bankrupt.

My company was the same only cheaper.they'd just give out tee-shirts !