That escalated quickly

By Anonymous - 04/10/2021 14:00

Today, my wife and I have been fighting for two days straight. We haven’t talked all day. It all started with me asking where to park. FML
I agree, your life sucks 924
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mannnnnnnn.... as a husband who is going thru marital problems.... just fix it bro, just ******* fix it. hear her out and fix it

There's more to this than just parking. You both need to be adults and communicate with each other.


I'm guessing "in her ass" was the wrong answer, even as a "joke?"

Doom_Kitty 12

Sounds like great and solid communication skills :D

mannnnnnnn.... as a husband who is going thru marital problems.... just fix it bro, just ******* fix it. hear her out and fix it

There's more to this than just parking. You both need to be adults and communicate with each other.

I'm always perplexed by this part of relationships. Any other part of your life people say what they mean and don't play games but a bit into a romantic relationship its like a switch gets flipped the ability to talk directly and honestly is often lost. Real kicker is it probably doesn't even have anything to do with you. She could just be stressed about work or something and punishing you is how she expresses it. Either way though hopefully you can very gently and empatheially talk to her and try and get the real issue resolved. Would advise not letting this sit, these things tend to spiral if left alone.

Doom_Kitty 12

Interesting. I don't lie and often have the feeling that way too many people ask questions they don't really want to hear a honest answer for - regardless of what kind of relationship it is :D It's mostly pretty funny^^