The cost of living crisis

By Noname - 12/03/2009 00:09 - United States

Today, I was studying for a final when I noticed that all I had was a blue highlighter. I decided to drive to the store to get a yellow one. On the way there, I got $200 worth of traffic tickets for not stopping at a stop sign. I basically spent $200 because I prefer yellow highlighters over blue ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 516
You deserved it 110 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

af_fml 0

That is a ****** up idea of causality. You got a ticket because you failed to obey the law, the highlighters had nothing to do with it.

You probably should have obeyed Traffic laws than worry about petty things. You could have hurt someone.


LMAO. sue the cops and say u have OCD xD

OCD would probably cause a driver to stop multiple times at a stop sign, it would not make a person run the stop sign.

FuckedRoyally 3

Nooooooooo... You got a ticket because you're a dumb bitch and didn't stop at the frakkin stop sign, it had absolutely nothing to do with you preference of color you racist dumbass. Obey the damn law and you won't get tickets.

Dear genius, You did not pay $200 for a hilighter. You paid $200 for recklessy endangering lives. You didn't only put your own dumb ass in harm's way, but anyone else's who may have happened by. When you can rise above the laws of physics, feel free to ignore traffic controls. Until then, you should know that the last person who had an accident with me because they were too "important" to follow the rules was uninjured by the accident but not so lucky in the aftermath.

I heard that blue highlighters are actually the best color to help you remember what you highlight.

no you spent $200 because you didn't stop at a stop sign

You probably should have stopped at the stop sign. Who goes out to the store to buy another highlighter just because they don't like the colour of the one they have, anyway? Waste of gas. Thanks for killing my planet (not to mention wasting your own money on such a pointless trip).

No you spent $200 for failing to stop. Next time be more patient.