The Curse

By ugly me - 24/10/2010 00:50 - United States

Today, I was sitting on a plane waiting for everyone to get on. A cute guy around my age had the option of sitting next to me or an old guy. He gave me a horrified look and immediately sat next to the old man. I got to sit next to his mother. She evil eyed me the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 424
You deserved it 3 643

Same thing different taste

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Vexation 0

It amazes me that people can be so rude and superficial. *facepalm*

Maybe he didn't think you were ugly...maybe he thought you were really cute and said to himself, "Eesh! Better not sit next to a pretty girl...I'll never hear the end of it from mom!" And when his mom saw you (the pretty girl) staring at her son, she got angry because NO ONE is good enough for her baby boy!! Thus him avoiding the seat next to you and her giving you dirty looks. It's more of a compliment, really...


Prolly because you kept staring at her son the whole flight, know your number ogre! 8s don't wanna sit with 3s.

This could have nothing to do with being ugly or hot, and everything to do with airplane etiquette. Were you hogging the armrest? Chomping your gum like a ruminating bovine? Bring something smelly onboard to eat, or wear a strong perfume? Were you dressed for a slumber party rather than travel, or had you taken your shoes off? Were you reading over people's shoulders or obviously eavesdropping on others' quiet conversations? Did you look anxious to chat someone up, or let your face show critical thoughts of each passenger? I'm often shocked and appalled at how many people leave their manners at the gate when boarding a flight, but my biggest pet peeve is something they do before leaving home: the whole dressing-for-a-Saturday-on-the-couch thing. Aside from looking awful (YOU'RE STILL IN PUBLIC, PEOPLE!), did you know that dressing less sloppily, in tighter, heavier natural fibers can actually help save your life in a crash? The type of shoe you wear is particularly important-- you want close-toed, flat, comfortable shoes that can't slip off easily. Being able to move quickly on all kinds of surfaces can make a big difference. The More You Know...

I dont have enough time to read this. short and sweet.

Then you have missed out. There's no need for you to take time out of your busy schedule to comment at all. I was actually thinking OP was a little self-important and shallow but your diagnosis may be correct as well, IrishJane. I also loathe the lack of travelling etiquette. If I have to fly, I go first or business class to avoid the riff-raff. Seems elitist, I know, but it's already an uncomfortable situation and I like me enough to spare myself the additional annoyance of slovenly, rude passengers sitting close enough for me to feel their breath.

spartan_girl 0

Or even before you get on the plane- were you yelling out your opinions about every news story that came on the TV (seriously, last time I flew, a young woman did this. Someone asked her to quiet down, and she started yelling even louder), trying to push your way to the front of the boarding line (same girl, and many others), or just generally being rude? Maybe OP shoved the guy in line, or took his mom's seat in the terminal or something. Or maybe she just overreacted. But there are some seriously incompetent people out there when it comes to travel etiquette.

Many years ago, at summer camp, there was a girl on the bus (to another part) that I liked. The only seat was next to her. I was shy and refused to sit next to her, until a counselor found room elsewhere.

ifailplzinsultme 0

if any1 cares I modded this. Nobody does.....

I think they were giving you evil looks because they were expecting you to offer your seat so they could seat together and you sit next to the old man. The evil eye was towards your rudeness not because you're ugly.

why is it rude if she didn't give up her seat? she sat there in the first place, she has no obligation to give up her seat :/

skyeyez9 24

80: It was not rude for her to not offer the mom a seat. On planes, you are assigned a seat. If momma wanted to sit next to her son, she should have requested that when she booked their tickets. It was rude of the mom to assume the girl would give up her seat.

exactly, people actually pay for the seating.

A. You can use the reply button if you have a comment directly related to someone else's. B. Not all airlines have assigned seating, actually. But it is possible that they had to buy tickets separately and were hoping someone would switch with them. It would not have been rude to ask. It would be rude to scowl at someone because she didn't offer. I for one would never have noticed it was a mother-son duo.

He probably didnt want his mom sitting next to a creepy old man. Or maybe he has a girlfriend... or boyfriend. Who knows.

XxMadHatterxX 0

awww I would sit by you! .....old ppl creep me out