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They tried to make me go to rehab…

By anon - 30/06/2016 17:33 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen

Today, my father got out of rehab for his alcoholism. This would be great if he hadn't started drinking the moment he got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 923
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Same thing different taste

Top comments

The best thing he can do is more rehab. No matter who it is, they can pull through if they try hard enough and have the support they need along the way

Sorry OP. My father is an alcoholic, and I live with him. It's so hard. My dad has been in rehab too, and started drinking again. I've come to live with the fact that it's just who he is,and no one can help him


The best thing he can do is more rehab. No matter who it is, they can pull through if they try hard enough and have the support they need along the way

Though they also need to care, and actually put in the effort to get better. It kind of sounds like OP's dad didn't try real hard.

Sorry OP. My father is an alcoholic, and I live with him. It's so hard. My dad has been in rehab too, and started drinking again. I've come to live with the fact that it's just who he is,and no one can help him

nesteremily 31

Send him back and keep supporting him. Not much you can do besides force him to quit by putting him back in rehab and letting him know that you're there for him. There are never any guarantees though

You can't "force him to quit" He wont be successful unless he wants to quit for himself. We cannot MAKE them quit. After my Daddy had a stroke and was ordered to stop by doctors. And my step-mom threatened to leave him , he switched to O'Doul's because it "felt like" beer to him still. he drank a case a day until he passed away. One addiction for another. My point was HE has to want it or it won't work out.

nesteremily 31

#10- By force him to quit I mean literally, as in when he's in rehab he won't have access to alcohol. I also said there are no guarantees because I know he'll probably go right back to drinking again. I've had too many alcoholics in my life

Was he in rehab on his own initiation, or did he get pressured to go? It sounds like he didn't really wanted it himself. Breaking addiction is something he has to do on his own and do it for himself.

rustycage92 23

I'm sorry. As others have said, rehab only works when the addict decides he's hit rock bottom and needs help. He has to want to stop drinking, and clearly he doesn't.

I'm not saying it's your fault because it's not. I have an alcoholic father and I know how tough it is. But there probably shoukdn't have been alcohol in the house in the first place.

I completely agree. If he comes home to a house full of drugs and/or alcohol, you're essentially enabling him. Addicts have to help themselves first, true, but to really change and better themselves, they often need the loving and understanding support of their family members, which includes (sometimes) making it less likely for them to slip back into old habits by removing the substance from their reach. ***HOWEVER***, maybe the father went out and bought himself alcohol? It doesn't say here specifically that the alcohol was already in the home.

Sigh. I'm assuming he didn't put himself in rehab? A lot of people who are forced into rehab, for whatever reason, don't take it seriously or just aren't ready to change. It's a sad reality of addiction. They have to help themselves first.