This is the rhythm of the night

By rikitsumiatsu - 10/04/2020 02:00

Today, my wife showed me a video she took of me last night. I was shit-faced, dancing half naked to '90s club music in the middle of the street at midnight. She won't stop laughing at me and replaying the video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

90’s music does that to me too bro.

omgjenwtf 11

Just own it! It happens to the best of us. At least it wasn’t country music


Who's fault is that? She really ought to blackmail you with it. It'd be a shame if your friends and family had to witness your disgraceful buffoonery. A damned shame. You might wanna back off your drinking so Cyndi Lauper doesn't tempt you to shed your garments.

bloopaloop 27

90’s music does that to me too bro.

omgjenwtf 11

Just own it! It happens to the best of us. At least it wasn’t country music

slowhandjp 16

How many bottles of Tequila did you drink?

At least you're social distancing even while drunk, and with this video on Youtube, you'll be social distancing for a long time.