Party hard

By Jason the flasher - 15/09/2018 22:00

Today, I went to a party that my friends were throwing. I had a great time and got blackout drunk. I woke up to videos from my girlfriend from last night. At some point I'd managed to take off my shorts and boxers and spent the rest of the party naked from the waist down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 400
You deserved it 3 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jsikes 8

Did you expect sympathy from anyone when you posted this?

"I'm not really that small, I swear! It was the angle! And the lighting! And the room was cold... and I'd recently had sex... oh, and alcohol causes erection problems!"


"I'm not really that small, I swear! It was the angle! And the lighting! And the room was cold... and I'd recently had sex... oh, and alcohol causes erection problems!"

Birthday suit for a Birthday party. If that's wrong then I dont want to know what's right.

julfunky 29

I’ll be honest, you sound like a fun person to party with.

jsikes 8

Did you expect sympathy from anyone when you posted this?

This was 100% avoidable. I say you just roll with it and laugh it off. It’s a better option than complaining about what you did when you got yourself blackout drunk.

whiskey'swino 15

What a jerk to video you balls out drunkness!

You people make drinking sound so fun

bigdaddyeric 35

Been There, Done That Dude! Gimme A High Five 🙌

sparx1_1 12

When you say "had a great time" and "black out drunk" in the same sentence, then you pretty much deserve anything that happens to you. You should probably get help for your drinking problem.