Tickle time

By sarahbeth93 - 20/07/2011 04:07 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend to stop tickling me, since I absolutely hate being tickled. He got extremely pissed at me and left the room. It took me a full five minutes to realize that I'd called him by my ex's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 204
You deserved it 76 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Susieee_Q 9

Don't worry, that just means it'll probably be the last time you ever get tickled by your soon-to-be ex boyfriend.


Oh shit. Been there done that, find something similar to your exs name and say you said that.

jace913 0

your such a douche bag I hope he beats u

Really? You're going to condone domestic abuse over a simple slip of the tongue? If anything, I'd say YOU'RE the douche bag.

What the heck? You're telling a person to commit physical abuse on someone, because of a slip of the tongue? That's just wrong!

Hey, at least it was something you hated that subconsciously reminded you of him. Seems better than if you had been on a date or something :)

july7799 0

wow and how long have u been dating?????

CharlieS0ul 0

hey.. just apologize and tell him you weren't thinking straight when you said it.. and ignore all the ass holes that said you deserved it. everyone has a blonde moment.. no offense to blondes

Aww Gee.. When a girl slips up an ex's name its a mistake.. But a guy does the same, hes a lying cheating sob who doesn't deserve a girl so awesome like you isn't it? Get over yourself..