By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States

By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States
By ouch - 02/03/2014 08:44 - United States - Sioux City
By INside - 02/08/2011 04:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/03/2013 18:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/11/2023 16:00 - Sweden - Linköping
By Sara246 - 19/08/2010 23:11 - Canada
By ohmydog - 05/09/2010 08:14 - United States
By Username - 21/08/2011 09:59 - United States
By alaskan1989 - 22/01/2011 01:27 - United States
By STIdiot - 17/10/2011 12:12 - United States
By Not true - 18/07/2016 02:56 - United States
you should be more scared of penis teeth 0_o
one tooth one the tip? lol
44 - Seriously...? He has a girlfriend, hes obviously not interested in anal...
cuz anal sex with your gf is gay...congratulations 44, you win the stoopidest comment of the day award!
#50 if you're a girl you're in for a shock.. Plenty of straight men like anal..
and that would be 50, not 44 >.
So you win the "stoopidest" award 56. Congrats.
The consequence's will never be the same!
@50: Don't you mean a 'shocker'? Two in the pink, one in the stink, am I right?
Eww anal is not an alternative. Do you know what comes out of that hole?!?! That's sodomy, you know. And, plus, there might be teeth there too!! lol
I'm pretty sure 44 was just joking..and actually there's a lot of straight men who enjoy prostate stimulation
I don't like shit in my rectal cavity, and I'm straight if you know what I mean (; Besides, if a girl has a wizard's sleeve, I'm going to be checking for all kinds of weird shit.
104, why wouldn't we know what you mean? What the **** else could we get from 'I'm straight'?!
"I don't like shit in my rectal cavity" =D
Better safe than sorry. Did he also check for "pillowpants"? That's the sneaky, dangerous one. lol
Suprise buttsecks. the best thing you never knew you needed.
Dude...then he has to worry about the worst kind of teeth: ass teeth
55-your name is so true
Sorry thought it said greeksaresexy but it said geeksaresexy.
134. best. comment. ever.
you're right. it's not an alternative, it's the primary method.
Get your ******* male genetalia out of my rectum.
Well yeah. He's worried you have a penis fly trap.
well at least it doesn't look like an old man and a hat
243 your a dumbass
teeth is a traumatizing movie. being a dick doesn't mean you should lose yours...
I'm surprised nobody mentioned it before. Nit a well known film, I pressume...
#243 don't you dare to insult a religion, you are the stupid one here
are you really the King of Oreos?
Om nom nom nom...
I back traced it! "cyber police"
Comment removed by cyber police lmao
Someone isn't aware of female masturbation tools.
can never be too careful..
it's totally smart he doesn't want his junk bitten off one day while getting it on :)
Go watch "Teeth" and then maybe you'll understand.....?
teeth is a wrong movie! so wrong! I cried a lil....
you gotta watch out for both, the troll and the teeth. goes to show women are dangerous. handle with care
haha safe sex
Yeah but still, it's a little weird.
I never watched Teeth. I heard of it tho... is it any good to watch? :s
You guys don't understand. He's just checking for a penis fly trap.
they actually do sell v "teeth" that are like clamps that the woman puts in there. it's like a bear trap. so if some rapeman comes he'll only have one go ;) not kidding
I heard the movie teeth was a strange movie
at least u know now
****** dentata
Man that was a good movie.....
lol, yup, I laughed n thought of the movie Teeth
hakuna matata
****** Dentata, you can never be too careful! Heck, ever seen one with teeth, let alone braces?
better to be safe than sorry.
but how do you check? losing a finger doesn't sound fun either... guess he uses a lil dental mirror? lol
Age-old wisdom says: if you don't want to touch it; poke it with a stick.
but never your stick.
well you never know...
hahaha tf? funny funny.
I take it he's too scared to have a *******?
Oh I'm sure he can conquer his fear of that ...
Your mouth has teeth inside of it.
.....see her picture? See her smiling? ....Those are teeth right there. Teeth. (...unless it's not her)
he doesn't want to be bit durr lol
****** dentata