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Time for a change

By whattalife - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, out of sheer boredom, I took a career personality test. The "best match" for me was the position of funeral director. Not only do I have a promising future with death, I got genuinely excited at how accurate the result was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 691
You deserved it 5 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Undertaker, huh? Are you sure it wasn't "Professional Wrestler?"

lolololer 8

so based on your personality you get funeral director? you sound amazing!


When I took mine the result was coroner so don't feel bad

To this day, I'm still annoyed that my [now ex] BF snapped up an assistant funeral directors position that had originally been planned for me. He got downwind of it because the directors wife had asked my dad if I'd be interested in the position & XBF overheard and put himself up for the position before I'd even heard about the offer. I would have LOVED working in a funeral home!

niswisk 3

I really dont sound tobe mean but what does this have todo with the fml?

yamatelle 19

It could have been worse like an unemployed Jehova's witness.

That's what my dad is. It's a horrible career to get into.

maz_irken 6

There are worse ways to work with dead bodies...

Lol. Atleast it's a job that would make you feel alive.

That's kinda rad. Somebody's gotta do it. You might as well give it a shot. Death is an inevitable part of life.

jsalud 4

It's good money OP. Once you start making that money it should help a bit.

Im going into Mortuary work, its a great career if you can handle it. My boyfriend is going into crime scene clean up & body transport. But dont bother with any of those if you dont have the stomach for it.