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By Randolph - 15/10/2012 02:24 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, a clown came over for my son's 8th birthday party. There was a moment of silence then laughter as everyone realized the clown and I were wearing the same plaid shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 643
You deserved it 4 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the kids you think the clown is very stylish.

SApprentice 34

Ah, well. Everyone probably enjoyed the laugh. You just made your son's party a little more fun for everyone involved, even if it was unintentionally.


SApprentice 34

Ah, well. Everyone probably enjoyed the laugh. You just made your son's party a little more fun for everyone involved, even if it was unintentionally.

Either the clown has great style, even dressed up as a clown, or the Original Poster has a horrible sense of style. Which one is it? haha

Tell the kids you think the clown is very stylish.

SeepingSarcasm 7

So you dress like a clown and make people laugh? Next you will have a urge for multi-coloured hairdye and a red nose... One does not choose to be a clown, one is chosen by fate for this honoured position!

Did that make you have "Tears of a Clown"? At least you made your kid and guest laugh! ***I really think clowns are scary! Now magicians are the shit! I'm a sucker for a good magic trick!(:

Clowns are pure evil. I am with you, they are terrifying.

Inception...were you perhaps the clown and your husband was you in disguise?!

CharresBarkrey 15

I think you misinterpreted the point of Inception...

You understand that OP is a man right? Isn't it a little presumptuous to assume that he has a husband?

Inception...were you perhaps the clown and your husband was dressed up as you?!

klovemachine 24

At least there was a moment of reverence for the loss of your dignity! The party gods thank you for this most excellent fashion faux pas, and are sorry you never received a certain fortune cookie advising you to stop shopping at Bozo's Big and Tall (and Dads).

At least there was a moment of reverence for the loss of your dignity! The party gods thank you for this most excellent fashion faux pas, and are sorry you never received a certain fortune cookie advising you to stop shopping at Bozo's Big and Tall (and Dads).

...And then you post about it here for laughs. Sounds like you may have found your calling OP.