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Clown World

By sweetsixteen - 22/06/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I walked into my house to find several of my friends there for a surprise sweet sixteen party my mom was throwing for me. Everything was going great until the doorbell rang and a clown walked in. My mom hired a clown for my sweet sixteen. My friends took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 634
You deserved it 5 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

Well at least your mom is better than most moms on this site cause it seems like she really she tried :D


agree with #1 i wish my mom would hire a clown for my sweet 16!

OH MY GAWD! that is like, ah, so terrible! your life is like, ruined.

lexilovesyou 0

Hah cool mom(: Jkjk; At Least You got a party. & she was making an effort to do someething you would enjoyy.

It's funny how you call the OP loser but then say "first" you fail. loser.

oh no .. a clown.. its the end of the ******* world..

Enoch134 0

I wish I had b day parties the last one I had was my baby shower fml

it's just a clown...did it really **** up your life?? my parents didn't even throw me a sweet sixteen, I had to throw myself one ( it was better anyways LOL )

NGM_47 0

Well at least your mom is better than most moms on this site cause it seems like she really she tried :D

Haha, That really sucks, but at least she didn't show up drunk and puke on your friends or something...

McCannCanTriple 0

What did the clown do? Sometimes they can for older audiences as well... depending on what their act is. I never liked them though.

meriadoc2 0

Just act cool about it like you dont care. It works

littlemisslee 0

haha i knew when I said yes to this it would get on here quick. sorry your mom thinks your still 4. I hate clowns.

Shut the hell up. No one cares that you "yes'ed" this or "moderated" that. Self absorbed much? >_>