By kjcarey123 - 15/07/2009 17:24 - United States

Today, a fax came in at work for a specific job, and I asked the owner of the company who it was for. He replied "the round one", so I handed it to our rotund Project Manager. Apparently the owner meant the garbage can, not my fat co-worker. Now i'm the asshole of the office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 366
You deserved it 44 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never heard of the trash bin referred as the "round one". That's hilarious.

manoverboard 0

Who calls a garbage can 'the round one'?


Maybe ask for things to be a bit more specific...or double check before proceeding...

me323me 4

Oh, let me sit down on my wooden one, then check my cellular one, then eat my nutritious one, then I'll take a nap on my rectangular one. It sounds ridiculous when you talk like that.

rupertajm90 15

but our office garbage cans are square