By leela - 25/05/2013 22:13 - United States

Today, a group of guys came into my restaurant, dressed up in some kind of role-playing game clothing. Apparently I pronounced one of their fake elf names wrong, because the guy complained to my manager, who then bitched me out in front of everyone for upsetting the customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 634
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The OP deserved it for pronouncing the fake names of some overly butthurt geeks wrong? Oh dear is this the mindset of some people?

I'd have a hard time pronouncing narr'el'qeqqebdianlir too


jem970 19

He didn't need to be an asshat and get you in trouble. That's just immature and plain stupid. And you should complain about your manager. There are rules about reprimanding employees in front of customers. And if you told the higher up the reason for your manager ripping you a new asshole? Not good.

You could of had the best "**** This! I Quit" moment! **** you, and **** you! Get! **** you you ******* LARP bitch!

If I had been that guy, I would have tried to get OP to pronounce his character's name properly. Maybe he would have made a new fan of his game. So FYL, OP.

Doesn't really matter if the name is long as you knew who they were that's all that should matter...

and that's an insult how? us nerds are pretty awesome :)

I apologize on behalf of us nerds you had to deal with that :( I'm a waitress too so I feel your pain.

skehar 23

People need to grow thicker skin, meaning the LARPers in this case.

Oh, I deal with unpronounceable names every day. Instead of pronouncing them, I just say "Sir" or "Ma'am".

Your manager might've just been humoring them to get them to shut up and didn't explain it to you.