By Andy - 16/12/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, a mother and son were in my office. The kid wasn't feeling well and threw up. Mom covered his mouth with her hand, creating a vomit nozzle and covering me in puke. She yelled that I deserved to be sprayed on because I was not quick enough in getting a bucket for her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 392
You deserved it 2 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AGGoddess 2

What a bitch. If he wasn't feeling well, she should have re-scheduled the appointment or hired a babysitter and left the kid at home.

Rellich 0



awwww. =.[(Mr. sadface has a beauty mark) There are quite a few things wrong with your post. The Jonas Brothers are gay, and I am not. As far as I know, there is no gerbil in my head. And, it was not a strain to think of your ******,'re welcome. ;-)

If you are referring to me, I must say: Wdf are you talking about. @_@

Rellich 0


Well you started it lubby... Mercy just finished it... And exceptionally well in my opinion :)

Hello Mercy :) yes some people just have nothing better to do...

In my opinion, that was an inappropriate move on the mothers behalf. If the child knew he was gonna get sick he should have at least got up and tried to run to the washroom. I also agree with one of the other comments made, the mother could have made him stay home if he was sick and get a babysitter. This was not your fault unless you knew he was sick from the beginning which you didn't? As a principal, how did you deal with the situation in a professional manner without getting angry?? If I may ask...

Beauty mark? Looks more like oral herpes to me. ;)

Yarrachel 16

YDI for feeding the kid a wafer thin mint.

Yarrachel 16
Yarrachel 16

Lol, it's actually Creosote. cre·o·sote (krē'ə-sōt') n. A colorless to yellowish oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood tar, especially from the wood of a beech, and formerly used as an expectorant in treating chronic bronchitis. A yellowish to greenish-brown oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative and disinfectant. It can cause severe neurological disturbances if inhaled in strong concentrations.

chedgefa 0

how can you bring science into a gag about a fat guy exploding in a restaurant?

Im sorry mercy, I only meant it as a joke. cmaaaaaaannnnn, you know sand + ****** = hilarious. are a hooker. It is a beauty mark! Mr. Sadface does not sleep around. T_T