By coward - 03/10/2015 10:13 - United Kingdom

Today, after 4 days of avoiding me and screening his calls, my 24-year-old boyfriend sent his mother to break up with me on his behalf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 785
You deserved it 2 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An adult who can't act like one... Good riddance to bad rubbish OP. Sorry he was that immature.

DappeRB 12

Sounds like you're better off without him.


My ex "warned" me twice a week that "I'm busy. you are warned", then he didnt talk to me the whole week.

A true coward his mother should've been ashamed to do the dirty work for him sounds like he's a real piece of shit

kristadc 20

Who does that? What a pos. You're better off without him OP!

My boyfriend did this to me for a whole week once. Finally had someone that wasn't told not to tell me where he was message me. Went and walked 2 miles in the snow to find him only for him to break up with me the next day. We're back together now and he doesn't hang around with the POS friends he used to have that talked shit about me, but's a pretty shitty thing to happen to anyone. Sorry, OP!

I always say to take anything somebody says about their ex with a grain of salt. There could be factors we don't know. I once ignored somebody and didn't break up with them face to face because they were abusive. The last time I saw him he backhanded me so hard I fell over. I told him then that it was over and immediately left, but he didn't take me seriously and kept calling. He then called me petty and immature for not wanting to meet up with him to "talk about it"..

i think you are right bapbap in your own example, if you say something is over, you are no longer obligated to go to future meetings to talk things out, but the way OP in this fml is describing it there never was an official break up, just somebody avoiding the other person. unless OP is lying, and unfortunately on this website you can only take people at their word, there is no reason that OP's boyfriend had to avoid OP. even if OP deserved the breakup for some unknown reason, its still the guys responsibility to formally break off the relationship instead of just avoiding OP

Im surprised his mother even agreed to do that. This is what happens when you keep your kids sheltered all the time when they're growing up. Tough love is hard, but is necessary if you want your kids to grow into responsible adults...

I'm not gonna say 'well he clearly wasn't the one' & 'you'll find someone who really does care' because the fish in the sea are all sharks & it's gonna take hell of a long time to sift through to find one that won't play you