By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 13:09 - United States

Today, after 6 months of training and going to the gym every day, I realized that the only thing I've lost is $300 worth of gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 594
You deserved it 5 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your main goal is losing weight, try running or jogging in your neighborhood. At least you made an effort.

Next time jog to the gym. It's a win-win situation.


Cut out cola. I did that and lost ten pounds.

38- Funny, I did the opposite several years ago. :) I drank at least 2 liters of Pepsi everyday for 2 weeks to see how bad it would effect me: I gained 10 pounds. ;P

superguppy19 3

Run up and down stairs instead of the gym at home

dancer4life143 13

Maybe find a gym that's really close by so that you can walk there? Extra exercise walking to and from (plus it'll work as a warmup an cool down as well) to and from the gym. More exercise for you, and less gas money(: if you don't have a gym close to your house, you could always just use some workout DVDs and exercise at home, I've used some at dance and they worked really well.

You should try looking up insanehomefatloss on Youtube. Or sixpackshortcut. They give you intense work outs that you can do at home. Saving you a lot of time and money. I found them about a week ago and LOVE IT. They also explain a lot about losing weight and help. They aren't paying me anything to say this, but it's been helping me feel great, both emotionally and physically, and the work outs are short and intense, incase you don't have a lot of time.

Focus on burning calories and eating less. Lost 40 pounds in 6 months this way. Went from 205-165.

If you're going only be weight, muscle weighs more than fat, so you could just be very muscular. (:

Shadow_Phantom 26

Don't eat anything that's quick and easy to make; like Top Ramen or Hot Pockets... fast food and the like. Try to buy organic, and avoid foods that contain any ingredients which sound like they were artificially created in a lab. Also, drink more water and add a bit of fiber to your diet. Works wonders. Anyway, FYL.

KiddNYC1O 20

I spend that in about a month and a half...

Not all about weight loss! If your cardio is up, strength is better, etc. then it has been all worth it- we tend to get too caught up in weight loss, when in 6 mth I am sure your being complimented for your features.