By Notarealwaifu - 02/11/2018 13:00 - Japan - Kunitachi
Top comments
Just another typical day in Japan. Which character was she looking at?
Who cares? They all look the same.
Doesn’t matter; had sex.
At least she wasn’t homophobic!
follow the signs to improve you love life
Well, time to get into cosplay. Maybe becoming a Breast Dragon Emperor. Fortunately, no animes would be at risk of being burned in this scenario.
Sounds like me when I had a boyfriend before I came out of the closet
Use more anime cleavage or get a new girlfriend

If that is what works for her- great. Is this the kind of relationship you want? An active sex life is important in a relationship. Anime cleavage or not.
Just another typical day in Japan. Which character was she looking at?