By Anonymous - 02/09/2012 23:47 - United States

Today, after a visit with my mom, I started feeling sick. I meant to send her a text asking if she had gotten sick lately, but I accidentally sent a text asking if she had gotten dick lately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 514
You deserved it 5 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments


aron666 25

An interesting response would be: "Not long after you've had, my dear".

That autocorrect feature really sucks sometimes and if your not careful you can accidentally send a text like the one you sent.

pinksnowflake 2

Don't feel too bad, OP. I'm guessing if your mom texts, she understands that typos and autocorrect happen sometimes. She probably laughed a little when she saw it. If my mom received that text, she'd likely have answered, "Ask your dad."

Haha sorry op but did she answer back??

SwaggCapone 11

I'll be checking DYAC for this text message

kiraleann 16

Haha, don't feel too bad, I make that typo frequently.

"Of course! How do you think I bought you that iPhone?"