By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
Same thing different taste
By socreepedouticanteven - 27/10/2014 00:05 - United States - Procious
Flavor of the month
By potpurri_needed - 10/06/2009 17:37 - United States
Smell good
By Anonymous - 02/12/2019 19:00 - Australia
*shrinks into corner*
By Ally - 24/03/2018 05:00
By Synonymous_Rex - 05/01/2015 21:26 - United States - Thousand Oaks
By Anonymous - 19/02/2025 15:00 - Canada
Batshit soup
By Anonymous - 22/06/2023 12:00 - United States - St. Petersburg
Keep your secrets, do your own laundry
By Anonymous - 25/09/2019 22:00 - United Kingdom - Chester
Why would you do that?
By HughGorgy - 20/03/2009 05:37 - Canada
By noname - 03/01/2009 03:26 - France
Top comments
yup...."there's nothing wrong with stained undies except that they are all brown."
gross fyl
atleast you weren't at the laundromat where justin bieber couldve been watching you, and waiting for you to drop a scarf so he could steal it and stalk you (yes I'm referring to his video of one less lonely girl)
was it white or brown
YDI for smelling underwear
The big question is stained with what? Oh, and YDI for not looking before huffing.
wat did ur mom do?
lol fyl
#73 Bacon marks?!!!! Holes in the back??? What's he having anal sex with a dog???
^^Yep. What's with the makeup? Are you TRYING to overdo it, or are you just retarded? Not even most tramps wear that much.
yeah, you look like an emo ***** (:
....yes you are a *****. you seriously wouldn't dress like that unless your a complete tramp or trying to be one. he didn't defend Justin bieber he was making fun of him. I'm not necessarily a fan but Justin bieber is probably 2 to 3 years older than you and 100x more sucessful then you will ever be you ugly dirty ****. go suck a fat one.
lol... guys, that girls picture is fake
Seem like you're all bitches, and dicks if any of the comments were males. Now I'm horny, thanks a lot guys and gals...
ohhh SNAP PS -- Why are you hating on 9 year olds?
Joking aside, I thought #51's pic was of a little fake Barbie doll.
Hahahaha ydi!!! dumb ass
I wear tight clothes and high-heeled shoes. It doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute, babaaay!
@51 yea you are youre in your underwear in your picture.
#51/marleytooyou's picture is definitely fake. It literally took me less than a minute to find it on Google.
@marleytooyou don't listen to them..I think your awesome and support you fully
151, or "NotErin," why is it that people, instead of trying to prove a point logically, resort to immature comments like yours? Telling someone he or she is ugly (Becca clearly isn't, by the way) won't earn you any cookies, or debates.
umm I never said she wasn't pretty. I do think she is. she's just insecure by attacking other people and throwing herself out there. and I'm sure she's had a bunch of sex before sweetie but that doesn't mean I haven't either. stop trying to one up me guys. it's not going to happen.
someone tell me the point of insulting others on an FML comment at all? that's what is immature. post a comment on the FML! oh, and op, ydi for not looking before you sniff.
Calm down everyone. Her picture is fake. Note my comment above for the link. She's just a troll. Please stop feeding it.
"She" googled something else, DerangedFox. Apparently your comment has been noticed.
I thought that jail bait photo looked familiar.
And what website would you be on that would have that picture, Freeze? Sounds like "Miley" isn't the only creepy one here...
What? That's not funny.
boopityboppity, I don't quite understand why my comment was annoying enough to merit a correction. In fact, I don't even understand what you meant by "she googled something else." Please do elaborate. I never assumed no one noticed my first comment, I just politely reminded everyone that she is just asking for attention and to those that say she's pretty don't even know what she really looks like. I'm not trying to create a seperate arguement here.
becca, seriously, get over it. this is a girl you've never met or will ever meet. why does it matter? maybe it is her or maybe it's someone she wishes she could be. who gives a ****? You've dragged this shit out way too long.
DerangedFox, see Becca's comment. Upon further consideration, my comment surely should have been more self-explanatory. My apologies.
Okay. Honest to god you guys are all being very immature. She put up a picture. If you do not like her picture, its simple... DON'T LOOK AT IT! Stop being judgmental. And stop complaining and insulting her. Its her business and maybe her parents business if they ever found out. NOT YOURS. So just leave her alone..
lajayblahblah... I don't understand why it bothers you so much. I don't know her and you don't know me OR her. so your kinda being a bit hypocritical by commenting on how much I bug you. were you just hurt that you weren't apart of the conversation and wanted to join?:( poor jaylaykaynaybay it's alright :) your in now. don't worry be happy
marleytooyou is pretty cute
wow becca. let me guess, you're soaking up all of the drama you produce from that little keyboard of yours. why does her picture bother you so much that you have to keep continuing on and on about it? oh, and purposefully misspelling my username doesn't make you any cooler, it just makes you immature. grow up kiddo. I said it cuz the girl doesn't need a little girl insulting her over a WEBSITE.
Becca, good God almighty, will you shut the **** up you stupid little ****? Go do something productive with your life. Do you literally sit at your computer and keep refreshing this page to see how people have responded to your comments so you can keep firing back? Wow. Oh yeah, let's make fun of this emo kid with a fake pic. Get a ******* life already. Same to you all who joined in.
thank you 180. Finally someone with common sense.
laypooyjacoo... 1. I'm on my phone 2. it's not her picture that bugs me it's her instant attack to other innocent people, not just on this one post btw... just want to see how she takes it being attacked 3. stfu 4. I'm not creatin drama... I'm creating entertainment for people who are waiting got the nest fml to come out
it's still a keyboard you are typing on dumbfuck. you are creating drama, this isn't entertaining, it's stupid and immature. funny comments about the op is entertaining. who in the **** made you judge, jury, and executioner to give you the right to attack someone for her post on SOMEONE ELSE? you have some major issues kiddo. Oh, and if you want to get on the point of attacking someone for attacking another, consider this my attack for you attacking marley.
Thanks for the correction, boopityboppity. My apologies for getting so defensive. Just thought I'd add that...
everyone, is calling her picture fake. none of you know if it is or not. maybe she posted a picture of her self on emo designs or whatever it is called. leave the poor girl alone. op, that made me laugh, I wonder what your mom thought. could have even been worst, it could have been your dad that walk up as you sniffed is fart stained undies,
Kayjaylaypoolay, love. don't get so upset because of me. I respect yout opinion of me but now your just going a little overboard... go ahead sweetie, be the mature one here. don't let me get to you and just walk away from this. baby you got me, you win. your now the super duper mature one who gets all worked up over comments that have nothing to do with her on FML. don't comment back, it's okay... I'll still be your friend :)
marley, maybe it's a girl crush or she is so upset with failing at life that she has to insult people over FML for entertainment. hell, maybe it's both. becca, for your own sake, get over yourself. for all we know, your picture might be fake.
lmao. I don't need fake friends like you. have fun trying to find some other fake friends though. I'm not worked up over anything, I just can't stand a girl being bullied for no reason at all. post an fml about how much time you have on your hands to bully random people online. I'll be the first to say ydi for being a dumb ****.
I agree. Except for everything from "Post an FML" up to the dumb **** part is uncalled for.. You calling Becca that is just as bad as what she's doing. You're being immature as well.
I like her hair.
just knock it off. You're becoming a bit of a troll
155's eye follows you like a painting...
Jesus Christ... Maybe we should just hang a sign around Marley's neck saying "Please don't feed this troll, many needlessly angry, ignorant women will follow yelling bad insults and end up looking like a bunch of jackasses. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day on this zoo of a post."
Ha Ha why is everyone hating On Marley Especially Becca who's every comment is on Marley that's kinda wierd and @Becca is kinda obssess
since when does a pink stripe in your hair and a black T-shirt make you a tramp? or is there something else I am not seeing on this small iPhone pic
@51 Live her Alone she's a human being leave alone all you do Is take and take (Chris crocker me)
do you guys even remember what you started arguing about?
All you retards can go **** yourselves. Marleytooyou can dress or look however she wants just like anyone else in the world. And how can you automatically assume she is a ****? And who knows, maybe she put that much make up on just for the pic... Anyways you should all just kill yourselves.
I think everyone should just get over themselves and stop feeding all of the trolls. I mean seriously. let her be fake and let other people bitch about it. who cares
I'm just now joining this unecessarily scheduled bitchfest but for god's sake becca, grow some balls and stop hiding behind a this day and age online threats and insults are like watching American idol, it's mildly entertaining, good for a laugh...and keeps going and going LONG after it's expiration date. so some girl dresses differently than you do - neither one of you is gonna end up on the cover of vogue, so who gives a shit what each other wears?
and if she attacks someone, well mistakes are made, I'm sure you are just as far from grace, so no need in the pot calling the kettle black. drop the ****** issue and comment on the post instead of posting unecessary bullshit that neither of you will ever have the guts to back up. thank you for listening.
Your dad has been eating to much chipotle. Go buy him some chipotle away and you'll save yourself from stained underwear sniffing embarrassment next time! ;)
haha, I love that computer nerds are dissing one of the only girls with style on this site. FYL's for being failures hahahahahaha
#234, justin beiber? lol
DerangedFox's comment wins the most ignored award.
omg! joseph you smexy! hahahaa.
wow u guys have no live's -_-
lmao @ Freeze. You and boopityboppity seem to be the only ones who acknowledged it's existance. Otherwise, people wouldn't be going on and on about how marley's pretty and can dress how she wants *sigh*
jasoniskiing, I think that was their intention.
YDI for having a nose.
actually in the video the girl was stalking him to get her scarf back. so in a way they stalked each other and became stalker lovers who had little stalker babies. the end (:
Stop sniffing your dad's underwear everyone. It's like a drug, a toxin that causes you all to start a conflict between each other. Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with the stoppage of smelling your dad's underwear.
maybe everyone should just repy to the fml and not peoples picturres. if you dont like the pic , dont trash the person about it. thats dumb. anyways with all this arguing about marley i forgot what the fml was even about. :/ just sayingg..
look at op's name LMAO!!!!
Marley is fake anyways.
Becca shut the **** up u ******* young smartass bitch.
beccaishereboo is becoming the next snickerdoodles. sorry, but its true(: lots of people hate you now. you're welcome.
Your moms reaction + your reaction seeimg the underwear: priceless ;)
I just found this fml in the randoms. After reading this thread, jasoniskiing seems like a fake account made by becca. I can't remember that account posting on other fmls, but maybe I'm wrong
lol this made my day
I pity the fool that smells underwear.
hahaha i love this^ guy ahahaha
it could have Bern worse like it could have been her brothers
Why are we talking about sheep?
she's not necessarily emo. and who cares if she is anyways. stop being judgemental.
she may not be emo, but she looks like a *****, pretty much no matter what..
not a *****... a **** probably.. she doesn't charge so she can't be a *****.
this is SO a fake picture, u photoshoped this didn't u? this is one of the type of pics I would add to "I lmaoed when I saw this pic" it's a facebook group tht has a failed Photoshop pic of a girl trying to make her boobs look big.
ewe sheeple!
she photoshopped it to make her look less fat cuz we all know she's probably a fatass
Again.. Leave her alone. Like she said.. You don't know her or how she is. And besides, no matter how she is, its none of your guys' business. She was commenting on the post not on anyone else. Yes up top she commented on someone. But in no way to the extent of all of you. So just stop being immature and stick to the FML. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Don't start shit over the internet for no reason.
marleytooyou is freaking cute
wow dude...just wow
Your hair is beautiful, but I think you would just look gorgeous if it was only a few inches past your shoulders. Sorry, I felt the need to share my opinion =P

lets see how many people comment trying to justify stained underwear
I pity the fool that smells underwear.